Matthew 22:46 Cross References
Matthew 22:46
46: No one could answer him. And after that, no one dared to ask him any more questions.
Mark 12:34
- Realizing this man's understanding, Jesus said to him, "You are not far from the Kingdom of God." And after that, no one dared to ask him any more questions.
Luke 20:40
- And that ended their questions; no one dared to ask any more.
Luke 14:6
- Again they had no answer.
Job 32:15
- You sit there baffled, with no further response.
- Should I continue to wait, now that you are silent? Must I also remain silent?
Acts 4:14
- But since the man who had been healed was standing right there among them, the council had nothing to say.
Isaiah 50:2
- Was I too weak to save you? Is that why the house is silent and empty when I come home? Is it because I have no power to rescue? No, that is not the reason! For I can speak to the sea and make it dry! I can turn rivers into deserts covered with dying fish.
- I am the one who sends darkness out across the skies, bringing it to a state of mourning."
- The Sovereign LORD has given me his words of wisdom, so that I know what to say to all these weary ones. Morning by morning he wakens me and opens my understanding to his will.
- The Sovereign LORD has spoken to me, and I have listened. I do not rebel or turn away.
- I give my back to those who beat me and my cheeks to those who pull out my beard. I do not hide from shame, for they mock me and spit in my face.
John 8:7
- They kept demanding an answer, so he stood up again and said, "All right, stone her. But let those who have never sinned throw the first stones!"
- Then he stooped down again and wrote in the dust.
- When the accusers heard this, they slipped away one by one, beginning with the oldest, until only Jesus was left in the middle of the crowd with the woman.
Matthew 21:27
- So they finally replied, "We don't know." And Jesus responded, "Then I won't answer your question either.
Luke 13:17
- This shamed his enemies. And all the people rejoiced at the wonderful things he did.