Matthew 2:7 Cross References
Matthew 2:7
7: Then Herod sent a private message to the wise men, asking them to come see him. At this meeting he learned the exact time when they first saw the star.
Revelation 12:1
- Then I witnessed in heaven an event of great significance. I saw a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon beneath her feet, and a crown of twelve stars on her head.
- She was pregnant, and she cried out in the pain of labor as she awaited her delivery.
- Suddenly, I witnessed in heaven another significant event. I saw a large red dragon with seven heads and ten horns, with seven crowns on his heads.
- His tail dragged down one-third of the stars, which he threw to the earth. He stood before the woman as she was about to give birth to her child, ready to devour the baby as soon as it was born.
- She gave birth to a boy who was to rule all nations with an iron rod. And the child was snatched away from the dragon and was caught up to God and to his throne.
1 Samuel 18:21
- "Here's another chance to see him killed by the Philistines!" Saul said to himself. But to David he said, "I have a way for you to become my son-in-law after all!"
Exodus 1:10
- We must find a way to put an end to this. If we don't and if war breaks out, they will join our enemies and fight against us. Then they will escape from the country."
Psalms 10:9
- Like lions they crouch silently, waiting to pounce on the helpless. Like hunters they capture their victims and drag them away in nets.
- The helpless are overwhelmed and collapse; they fall beneath the strength of the wicked.
Isaiah 7:5
- "Yes, the kings of Aram and Israel are coming against you. They are saying,
- `We will invade Judah and throw its people into panic. Then we will fight our way into Jerusalem and install the son of Tabeel as Judah's king.'
- "But this is what the Sovereign LORD says: This invasion will never happen,
Psalms 64:4
- They shoot from ambush at the innocent, attacking suddenly and fearlessly.
- They encourage each other to do evil and plan how to set their traps. "Who will ever notice?" they ask.
- As they plot their crimes, they say, "We have devised the perfect plan!" Yes, the human heart and mind are cunning.
Matthew 26:3
- At that same time the leading priests and other leaders were meeting at the residence of Caiaphas, the high priest,
- to discuss how to capture Jesus secretly and put him to death.
- "But not during the Passover," they agreed, "or there will be a riot."
Psalms 55:21
- His words are as smooth as cream, but in his heart is war. His words are as soothing as lotion, but underneath are daggers!
Ezekiel 38:10
- "This is what the Sovereign LORD says: At that time evil thoughts will come to your mind, and you will devise a wicked scheme.
- You will say, `Israel is an unprotected land filled with unwalled villages! I will march against her and destroy these people who live in such confidence!
Psalms 83:3
- They devise crafty schemes against your people, laying plans against your precious ones.
- "Come," they say, "let us wipe out Israel as a nation. We will destroy the very memory of its existence."
Revelation 12:15
- Then the dragon tried to drown the woman with a flood of water that flowed from its mouth.