Matthew 19:2 Cross References
Matthew 19:2
2: Vast crowds followed him there, and he healed their sick.
Matthew 12:15
- But Jesus knew what they were planning. He left that area, and many people followed him. He healed all the sick among them,
Matthew 4:23
- Jesus traveled throughout Galilee teaching in the synagogues, preaching everywhere the Good News about the Kingdom. And he healed people who had every kind of sickness and disease.
- News about him spread far beyond the borders of Galilee so that the sick were soon coming to be healed from as far away as Syria. And whatever their illness and pain, or if they were possessed by demons, or were epileptics, or were paralyzed--he healed them all.
- Large crowds followed him wherever he went--people from Galilee, the Ten Towns, Jerusalem, from all over Judea, and from east of the Jordan River.
Matthew 9:35
- Jesus traveled through all the cities and villages of that area, teaching in the synagogues and announcing the Good News about the Kingdom. And wherever he went, he healed people of every sort of disease and illness.
- He felt great pity for the crowds that came, because their problems were so great and they didn't know where to go for help. They were like sheep without a shepherd.
Matthew 14:35
- The news of their arrival spread quickly throughout the whole surrounding area, and soon people were bringing all their sick to be healed.
- The sick begged him to let them touch even the fringe of his robe, and all who touched it were healed.
Mark 6:55
- and they ran throughout the whole area and began carrying sick people to him on mats.
- Wherever he went--in villages and cities and out on the farms--they laid the sick in the market plazas and streets. The sick begged him to let them at least touch the fringe of his robe, and all who touched it were healed.
Matthew 15:30
- A vast crowd brought him the lame, blind, crippled, mute, and many others with physical difficulties, and they laid them before Jesus. And he healed them all.
- The crowd was amazed! Those who hadn't been able to speak were talking, the crippled were made well, the lame were walking around, and those who had been blind could see again! And they praised the God of Israel.