Matthew 19:15 Cross References
Matthew 19:15
15: And he put his hands on their heads and blessed them before he left.
Mark 10:16
- Then he took the children into his arms and placed his hands on their heads and blessed them.
1 Corinthians 7:14
- For the Christian wife brings holiness to her marriage, and the Christian husband brings holiness to his marriage. Otherwise, your children would not have a godly influence, but now they are set apart for him.
Isaiah 40:11
- He will feed his flock like a shepherd. He will carry the lambs in his arms, holding them close to his heart. He will gently lead the mother sheep with their young.
2 Timothy 3:15
- You have been taught the holy Scriptures from childhood, and they have given you the wisdom to receive the salvation that comes by trusting in Christ Jesus.