Matthew 14:20 Cross References
Matthew 14:20
20: They all ate as much as they wanted, and they picked up twelve baskets of leftovers.
Mark 6:42
- They all ate as much as they wanted,
- and they picked up twelve baskets of leftover bread and fish.
- Five thousand men had eaten from those five loaves!
Exodus 16:12
- "I have heard the people's complaints. Now tell them, `In the evening you will have meat to eat, and in the morning you will be filled with bread. Then you will know that I am the LORD your God.'"
Exodus 16:8
- The LORD will give you meat to eat in the evening and bread in the morning, for he has heard all your complaints against him. Yes, your complaints are against the LORD, not against us."
2 Kings 4:43
- "What?" his servant exclaimed. "Feed one hundred people with only this?" But Elisha repeated, "Give it to the group of prophets so they can eat, for the LORD says there will be plenty for all. There will even be some left over!"
- And sure enough, there was plenty for all and some left over, just as the LORD had promised.
2 Kings 4:1
- One day the widow of one of Elisha's fellow prophets came to Elisha and cried out to him, "My husband who served you is dead, and you know how he feared the LORD. But now a creditor has come, threatening to take my two sons as slaves."
- "What can I do to help you?" Elisha asked. "Tell me, what do you have in the house?Nothing at all, except a flask of olive oil," she replied.
- And Elisha said, "Borrow as many empty jars as you can from your friends and neighbors.
- Then go into your house with your sons and shut the door behind you. Pour olive oil from your flask into the jars, setting the jars aside as they are filled."
- So she did as she was told. Her sons brought many jars to her, and she filled one after another.
Luke 9:17
- They all ate as much as they wanted, and they picked up twelve baskets of leftovers!
Luke 1:53
- He has satisfied the hungry with good things and sent the rich away with empty hands.
Matthew 16:8
- Jesus knew what they were thinking, so he said, "You have so little faith! Why are you worried about having no food?
- Won't you ever understand? Don't you remember the five thousand I fed with five loaves, and the baskets of food that were left over?
- Don't you remember the four thousand I fed with seven loaves, with baskets of food left over?
Leviticus 26:26
- I will completely destroy your food supply, so the bread from one oven will have to be stretched to feed ten families. They will ration your food by weight, and even if you have food to eat, you will not be satisfied.
Mark 8:8
- They ate until they were full, and when the scraps were picked up, there were seven large baskets of food left over!
- There were about four thousand people in the crowd that day, and he sent them home after they had eaten.
1 Kings 17:12
- But she said, "I swear by the LORD your God that I don't have a single piece of bread in the house. And I have only a handful of flour left in the jar and a little cooking oil in the bottom of the jug. I was just gathering a few sticks to cook this last meal, and then my son and I will die."
- But Elijah said to her, "Don't be afraid! Go ahead and cook that `last meal,' but bake me a little loaf of bread first. Afterward there will still be enough food for you and your son.
- For this is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: There will always be plenty of flour and oil left in your containers until the time when the LORD sends rain and the crops grow again!"
- So she did as Elijah said, and she and Elijah and her son continued to eat from her supply of flour and oil for many days.
- For no matter how much they used, there was always enough left in the containers, just as the LORD had promised through Elijah.
Matthew 5:6
- God blesses those who are hungry and thirsty for justice, for they will receive it in full.
Haggai 1:6
- You have planted much but harvested little. You have food to eat, but not enough to fill you up. You have wine to drink, but not enough to satisfy your thirst. You have clothing to wear, but not enough to keep you warm. Your wages disappear as though you were putting them in pockets filled with holes!
Matthew 15:33
- The disciples replied, "And where would we get enough food out here in the wilderness for all of them to eat?"
Ezekiel 4:14
- Then I said, "O Sovereign LORD, must I be defiled by using human dung? For I have never been defiled before. From the time I was a child until now I have never eaten any animal that died of sickness or that I found dead. And I have never eaten any of the animals that our laws forbid."
- "All right," the LORD said. "You may bake your bread with cow dung instead of human dung."
- Then he told me, "Son of man, I will cause food to be very scarce in Jerusalem. It will be weighed out with great care and eaten fearfully. The water will be portioned out drop by drop, and the people will drink it with dismay.
Mark 8:16
- They decided he was saying this because they hadn't brought any bread.
- Jesus knew what they were thinking, so he said, "Why are you so worried about having no food? Won't you ever learn or understand? Are your hearts too hard to take it in?
- 'You have eyes--can't you see? You have ears--can't you hear?' Don't you remember anything at all?
- What about the five thousand men I fed with five loaves of bread? How many baskets of leftovers did you pick up afterward?Twelve," they said.
- "And when I fed the four thousand with seven loaves, how many large baskets of leftovers did you pick up?Seven," they said.
Proverbs 13:25
- The godly eat to their hearts' content, but the belly of the wicked goes hungry.
John 6:7
- Philip replied, "It would take a small fortune to feed them!"
John 6:11
- Then Jesus took the loaves, gave thanks to God, and passed them out to the people. Afterward he did the same with the fish. And they all ate until they were full.
- "Now gather the leftovers," Jesus told his disciples, "so that nothing is wasted."
- There were only five barley loaves to start with, but twelve baskets were filled with the pieces of bread the people did not eat!
- When the people saw this miraculous sign, they exclaimed, "Surely, he is the Prophet we have been expecting!"
Matthew 15:37
- They all ate until they were full, and when the scraps were picked up, there were seven large baskets of food left over!
- There were four thousand men who were fed that day, in addition to all the women and children.