Mark 5:19 Cross References
Mark 5:19
19: But Jesus said, "No, go home to your friends, and tell them what wonderful things the Lord has done for you and how merciful he has been."
Psalms 66:16
- Come and listen, all you who fear God, and I will tell you what he did for me.
John 4:29
- "Come and meet a man who told me everything I ever did! Can this be the Messiah?"
Daniel 6:25
- Then King Darius sent this message to the people of every race and nation and language throughout the world: "Peace and prosperity to you!
- "I decree that everyone throughout my kingdom should tremble with fear before the God of Daniel. For he is the living God, and he will endure forever. His kingdom will never be destroyed, and his rule will never end.
- He rescues and saves his people; he performs miraculous signs and wonders in the heavens and on earth. He has rescued Daniel from the power of the lions."
Acts 26:4
- "As the Jewish leaders are well aware, I was given a thorough Jewish training from my earliest childhood among my own people and in Jerusalem.
- If they would admit it, they know that I have been a member of the Pharisees, the strictest sect of our religion.
- Now I am on trial because I am looking forward to the fulfillment of God's promise made to our ancestors.
- In fact, that is why the twelve tribes of Israel worship God night and day, and they share the same hope I have. Yet, O king, they say it is wrong for me to have this hope!
- Why does it seem incredible to any of you that God can raise the dead?
Daniel 4:1
- King Nebuchadnezzar sent this message to the people of every race and nation and language throughout the world: "Peace and prosperity to you!
- "I want you all to know about the miraculous signs and wonders the Most High God has performed for me.
- How great are his signs, how powerful his wonders! His kingdom will last forever, his rule through all generations.
Acts 22:1
- "Brothers and esteemed fathers," Paul said, "listen to me as I offer my defense."
- When they heard him speaking in their own language, the silence was even greater.
- "I am a Jew, born in Tarsus, a city in Cilicia, and I was brought up and educated here in Jerusalem under Gamaliel. At his feet I learned to follow our Jewish laws and customs very carefully. I became very zealous to honor God in everything I did, just as all of you are today.
- And I persecuted the followers of the Way, hounding some to death, binding and delivering both men and women to prison.
- The high priest and the whole council of leaders can testify that this is so. For I received letters from them to our Jewish brothers in Damascus, authorizing me to bring the Christians from there to Jerusalem, in chains, to be punished.
Daniel 4:37
- "Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and glorify and honor the King of heaven. All his acts are just and true, and he is able to humble those who are proud."
Isaiah 38:9
- When King Hezekiah was well again, he wrote this poem about his experience:
- I said, "In the prime of my life, must I now enter the place of the dead? Am I to be robbed of my normal years?"
- I said, "Never again will I see the LORD GOD while still in the land of the living. Never again will I see my friends or laugh with those who live in this world.
- My life has been blown away like a shepherd's tent in a storm. It has been cut short, as when a weaver cuts cloth from a loom. Suddenly, my life was over.
- I waited patiently all night, but I was torn apart as though by lions. Suddenly, my life was over.
Jonah 2:1
- Then Jonah prayed to the LORD his God from inside the fish.
- He said, "I cried out to the LORD in my great trouble, and he answered me. I called to you from the world of the dead, and LORD, you heard me!
- You threw me into the ocean depths, and I sank down to the heart of the sea. I was buried beneath your wild and stormy waves.
- Then I said, `O LORD, you have driven me from your presence. How will I ever again see your holy Temple?'
- "I sank beneath the waves, and death was very near. The waters closed in around me, and seaweed wrapped itself around my head.