Mark 13:1 Cross References
Mark 13:1
1: As Jesus was leaving the Temple that day, one of his disciples said, "Teacher, look at these tremendous buildings! Look at the massive stones in the walls!"
Matthew 24:1
- As Jesus was leaving the Temple grounds, his disciples pointed out to him the various Temple buildings.
- But he told them, "Do you see all these buildings? I assure you, they will be so completely demolished that not one stone will be left on top of another!"
- Later, Jesus sat on the slopes of the Mount of Olives. His disciples came to him privately and asked, "When will all this take place? And will there be any sign ahead of time to signal your return and the end of the world?"
- Jesus told them, "Don't let anyone mislead you.
- For many will come in my name, saying, 'I am the Messiah.' They will lead many astray.
Ezekiel 11:22
- Then the cherubim lifted their wings and rose into the air with their wheels beside them, and the glory of the God of Israel hovered above them.
- Then the glory of the LORD went up from the city and stopped above the mountain to the east.
Malachi 3:1
- "Look! I am sending my messenger, and he will prepare the way before me. Then the Lord you are seeking will suddenly come to his Temple. The messenger of the covenant, whom you look for so eagerly, is surely coming," says the LORD Almighty.
- "But who will be able to endure it when he comes? Who will be able to stand and face him when he appears? For he will be like a blazing fire that refines metal or like a strong soap that whitens clothes.
Ezekiel 7:20
- They were proud of their gold jewelry and used it to make vile and detestable idols. That is why I will make all their wealth disgusting to them.
- I will give it as plunder to foreigners from the most wicked of nations, and they will defile it.
- I will hide my eyes as these robbers invade my treasured land and corrupt it.
Ezekiel 10:19
- And as I watched, the cherubim flew with their wheels to the east gate of the LORD's Temple. And the glory of the God of Israel hovered above them.
Ezekiel 8:6
- "Son of man," he said, "do you see what they are doing? Do you see the great sins the people of Israel are doing to drive me from my Temple? But come, and you will see even greater sins than these!"
Ezekiel 10:4
- Then the glory of the LORD rose up from above the cherubim and went over to the door of the Temple. The Temple was filled with this cloud of glory, and the Temple courtyard glowed brightly with the glory of the LORD.
Luke 21:5
- Some of his disciples began talking about the beautiful stonework of the Temple and the memorial decorations on the walls. But Jesus said,
- "The time is coming when all these things will be so completely demolished that not one stone will be left on top of another."
- "Teacher," they asked, "when will all this take place? And will there be any sign ahead of time?"
- He replied, "Don't let anyone mislead you. For many will come in my name, claiming to be the Messiah and saying, 'The time has come!' But don't believe them.
- And when you hear of wars and insurrections, don't panic. Yes, these things must come, but the end won't follow immediately."