Mark 11:18 Cross References
Mark 11:18
18: When the leading priests and teachers of religious law heard what Jesus had done, they began planning how to kill him. But they were afraid of him because the people were so enthusiastic about Jesus' teaching.
Matthew 7:28
- After Jesus finished speaking, the crowds were amazed at his teaching,
Mark 12:12
- The Jewish leaders wanted to arrest him for using this illustration because they realized he was pointing at them--they were the wicked farmers in his story. But they were afraid to touch him because of the crowds. So they left him and went away.
Mark 1:22
- They were amazed at his teaching, for he taught as one who had real authority--quite unlike the teachers of religious law.
Luke 4:22
- All who were there spoke well of him and were amazed by the gracious words that fell from his lips. "How can this be?" they asked. "Isn't this Joseph's son?"
Mark 14:1
- It was now two days before the Passover celebration and the Festival of Unleavened Bread. The leading priests and the teachers of religious law were still looking for an opportunity to capture Jesus secretly and put him to death.
- "But not during the Passover," they agreed, "or there will be a riot."
1 Kings 18:17
- "So it's you, is it--Israel's troublemaker?" Ahab asked when he saw him.
- "I have made no trouble for Israel," Elijah replied. "You and your family are the troublemakers, for you have refused to obey the commands of the LORD and have worshiped the images of Baal instead.
Mark 11:32
- But do we dare say it was merely human?" For they were afraid that the people would start a riot, since everyone thought that John was a prophet.
Matthew 26:3
- At that same time the leading priests and other leaders were meeting at the residence of Caiaphas, the high priest,
- to discuss how to capture Jesus secretly and put him to death.
John 7:46
- "We have never heard anyone talk like this!" the guards responded.
Luke 20:19
- When the teachers of religious law and the leading priests heard this story, they wanted to arrest Jesus immediately because they realized he was pointing at them--that they were the farmers in the story. But they were afraid there would be a riot if they arrested him.
Isaiah 49:7
- The LORD, the Redeemer and Holy One of Israel, says to the one who is despised and rejected by a nation, to the one who is the servant of rulers: "Kings will stand at attention when you pass by. Princes will bow low because the LORD has chosen you. He, the faithful LORD, the Holy One of Israel, chooses you."
Matthew 21:15
- The leading priests and the teachers of religious law saw these wonderful miracles and heard even the little children in the Temple shouting, "Praise God for the Son of David." But they were indignant
Matthew 21:45
- When the leading priests and Pharisees heard Jesus, they realized he was pointing at them--that they were the farmers in his story.
- They wanted to arrest him, but they were afraid to try because the crowds considered Jesus to be a prophet.
Mark 6:20
- And Herod respected John, knowing that he was a good and holy man, so he kept him under his protection. Herod was disturbed whenever he talked with John, but even so, he liked to listen to him.
John 11:53
- So from that time on the Jewish leaders began to plot Jesus' death.
- As a result, Jesus stopped his public ministry among the people and left Jerusalem. He went to a place near the wilderness, to the village of Ephraim, and stayed there with his disciples.
- It was now almost time for the celebration of Passover, and many people from the country arrived in Jerusalem several days early so they could go through the cleansing ceremony before the Passover began.
- They wanted to see Jesus, and as they talked in the Temple, they asked each other, "What do you think? Will he come for the Passover?"
- Meanwhile, the leading priests and Pharisees had publicly announced that anyone seeing Jesus must report him immediately so they could arrest him.
Matthew 21:38
- "But when the farmers saw his son coming, they said to one another, 'Here comes the heir to this estate. Come on, let's kill him and get the estate for ourselves!'
- So they grabbed him, took him out of the vineyard, and murdered him.
1 Kings 22:18
- "Didn't I tell you?" the king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat. "He does it every time. He never prophesies anything but bad news for me."
Acts 24:25
- As he reasoned with them about righteousness and self-control and the judgment to come, Felix was terrified. "Go away for now," he replied. "When it is more convenient, I'll call for you again."
Mark 3:6
- At once the Pharisees went away and met with the supporters of Herod to discuss plans for killing Jesus.
Luke 19:47
- After that, he taught daily in the Temple, but the leading priests, the teachers of religious law, and the other leaders of the people began planning how to kill him.
1 Kings 22:8
- King Ahab replied, "There is still one prophet of the LORD, but I hate him. He never prophesies anything but bad news for me! His name is Micaiah son of Imlah.You shouldn't talk like that," Jehoshaphat said. "Let's hear what he has to say."
Revelation 11:5
- If anyone tries to harm them, fire flashes from the mouths of the prophets and consumes their enemies. This is how anyone who tries to harm them must die.
- They have power to shut the skies so that no rain will fall for as long as they prophesy. And they have the power to turn the rivers and oceans into blood, and to send every kind of plague upon the earth as often as they wish.
- When they complete their testimony, the beast that comes up out of the bottomless pit will declare war against them. He will conquer them and kill them.
- And their bodies will lie in the main street of Jerusalem, the city which is called "Sodom" and "Egypt," the city where their Lord was crucified.
- And for three and a half days, all peoples, tribes, languages, and nations will come to stare at their bodies. No one will be allowed to bury them.
1 Kings 21:20
- "So my enemy has found me!" Ahab exclaimed to Elijah. "Yes," Elijah answered, "I have come because you have sold yourself to what is evil in the LORD's sight.