Luke 9:28 Cross References
Luke 9:28
28: About eight days later Jesus took Peter, James, and John to a mountain to pray.
Mark 14:33
- He took Peter, James, and John with him, and he began to be filled with horror and deep distress.
- He told them, "My soul is crushed with grief to the point of death. Stay here and watch with me."
- He went on a little farther and fell face down on the ground. He prayed that, if it were possible, the awful hour awaiting him might pass him by.
- "Abba, Father," he said, "everything is possible for you. Please take this cup of suffering away from me. Yet I want your will, not mine."
Luke 6:12
- One day soon afterward Jesus went to a mountain to pray, and he prayed to God all night.
Mark 6:46
- Afterward he went up into the hills by himself to pray.
Psalms 109:4
- I love them, but they try to destroy me--even as I am praying for them!
Mark 9:2
- Six days later Jesus took Peter, James, and John to the top of a mountain. No one else was there. As the men watched, Jesus' appearance changed,
- and his clothing became dazzling white, far whiter than any earthly process could ever make it.
- Then Elijah and Moses appeared and began talking with Jesus.
- "Teacher, this is wonderful!" Peter exclaimed. "We will make three shrines--one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah."
- He didn't really know what to say, for they were all terribly afraid.
Matthew 17:1
- Six days later Jesus took Peter and the two brothers, James and John, and led them up a high mountain.
- As the men watched, Jesus' appearance changed so that his face shone like the sun, and his clothing became dazzling white.
- Suddenly, Moses and Elijah appeared and began talking with Jesus.
- Peter blurted out, "Lord, this is wonderful! If you want me to, I'll make three shrines, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah."
- But even as he said it, a bright cloud came over them, and a voice from the cloud said, "This is my beloved Son, and I am fully pleased with him. Listen to him."
Mark 1:35
- The next morning Jesus awoke long before daybreak and went out alone into the wilderness to pray.
Luke 8:51
- When they arrived at the house, Jesus wouldn't let anyone go in with him except Peter, James, John, and the little girl's father and mother.
Luke 9:18
- One day as Jesus was alone, praying, he came over to his disciples and asked them, "Who do people say I am?"
Matthew 26:37
- He took Peter and Zebedee's two sons, James and John, and he began to be filled with anguish and deep distress.
- He told them, "My soul is crushed with grief to the point of death. Stay here and watch with me."
- He went on a little farther and fell face down on the ground, praying, "My Father! If it is possible, let this cup of suffering be taken away from me. Yet I want your will, not mine."
Hebrews 5:7
- While Jesus was here on earth, he offered prayers and pleadings, with a loud cry and tears, to the one who could deliver him out of death. And God heard his prayers because of his reverence for God.
2 Corinthians 13:1
- This is the third time I am coming to visit you. As the Scriptures say, "The facts of every case must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses."
Luke 3:21
- One day when the crowds were being baptized, Jesus himself was baptized. As he was praying, the heavens opened,