Luke 9:10 Cross References
Luke 9:10
10: When the apostles returned, they told Jesus everything they had done. Then he slipped quietly away with them toward the town of Bethsaida.
Matthew 11:21
- "What horrors await you, Korazin and Bethsaida! For if the miracles I did in you had been done in wicked Tyre and Sidon, their people would have sat in deep repentance long ago, clothed in sackcloth and throwing ashes on their heads to show their remorse.
Luke 10:17
- When the seventy-two disciples returned, they joyfully reported to him, "Lord, even the demons obey us when we use your name!"
Matthew 14:13
- As soon as Jesus heard the news, he went off by himself in a boat to a remote area to be alone. But the crowds heard where he was headed and followed by land from many villages.
- A vast crowd was there as he stepped from the boat, and he had compassion on them and healed their sick.
- That evening the disciples came to him and said, "This is a desolate place, and it is getting late. Send the crowds away so they can go to the villages and buy food for themselves."
- But Jesus replied, "That isn't necessary--you feed them."
- "Impossible!" they exclaimed. "We have only five loaves of bread and two fish!"
Hebrews 13:17
- Obey your spiritual leaders and do what they say. Their work is to watch over your souls, and they know they are accountable to God. Give them reason to do this joyfully and not with sorrow. That would certainly not be for your benefit.
John 1:44
- Philip was from Bethsaida, Andrew and Peter's hometown.
Mark 6:30
- The apostles returned to Jesus from their ministry tour and told him all they had done and what they had taught.
- Then Jesus said, "Let's get away from the crowds for a while and rest." There were so many people coming and going that Jesus and his apostles didn't even have time to eat.
- They left by boat for a quieter spot.
- But many people saw them leaving, and people from many towns ran ahead along the shore and met them as they landed.
- A vast crowd was there as he stepped from the boat, and he had compassion on them because they were like sheep without a shepherd. So he taught them many things.
Mark 2:7
- "What? This is blasphemy! Who but God can forgive sins!"
Zechariah 1:10
- So the man standing among the myrtle trees explained, "They are the ones the LORD has sent out to patrol the earth."
Luke 9:10
- When the apostles returned, they told Jesus everything they had done. Then he slipped quietly away with them toward the town of Bethsaida.
- But the crowds found out where he was going, and they followed him. And he welcomed them, teaching them about the Kingdom of God and curing those who were ill.
- Late in the afternoon the twelve disciples came to him and said, "Send the crowds away to the nearby villages and farms, so they can find food and lodging for the night. There is nothing to eat here in this deserted place."
- But Jesus said, "You feed them.Impossible!" they protested. "We have only five loaves of bread and two fish. Or are you expecting us to go and buy enough food for this whole crowd?"
- For there were about five thousand men there. "Just tell them to sit down on the ground in groups of about fifty each," Jesus replied.
John 6:5
- Jesus soon saw a great crowd of people climbing the hill, looking for him. Turning to Philip, he asked, "Philip, where can we buy bread to feed all these people?"
- He was testing Philip, for he already knew what he was going to do.
- Philip replied, "It would take a small fortune to feed them!"
- Then Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, spoke up.
- "There's a young boy here with five barley loaves and two fish. But what good is that with this huge crowd?"