Luke 7:30 Cross References
Luke 7:30
30: But the Pharisees and experts in religious law had rejected God's plan for them, for they had refused John's baptism.
Matthew 22:35
- One of them, an expert in religious law, tried to trap him with this question:
Luke 13:34
- "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones God's messengers! How often I have wanted to gather your children together as a hen protects her chicks beneath her wings, but you wouldn't let me.
Acts 20:27
- for I didn't shrink from declaring all that God wants for you.
Romans 10:21
- But regarding Israel, God said, "All day long I opened my arms to them, but they kept disobeying me and arguing with me."
2 Corinthians 6:1
- As God's partners, we beg you not to reject this marvelous message of God's great kindness.
Jeremiah 8:8
- " `How can you say, "We are wise because we have the law of the LORD," when your teachers have twisted it so badly?
Ephesians 1:11
- Furthermore, because of Christ, we have received an inheritance from God, for he chose us from the beginning, and all things happen just as he decided long ago.
Galatians 2:21
- I am not one of those who treats the grace of God as meaningless. For if we could be saved by keeping the law, then there was no need for Christ to die.