Luke 23:41 Cross References
Luke 23:41
41: We deserve to die for our evil deeds, but this man hasn't done anything wrong."
Ezra 9:13
- "Now we are being punished because of our wickedness and our great guilt. But we have actually been punished far less than we deserve, for you, our God, have allowed some of us to survive as a remnant.
Matthew 27:4
- "I have sinned," he declared, "for I have betrayed an innocent man.What do we care?" they retorted. "That's your problem."
Joshua 7:19
- Then Joshua said to Achan, "My son, give glory to the LORD, the God of Israel, by telling the truth. Make your confession and tell me what you have done. Don't hide it from me."
- Achan replied, "I have sinned against the LORD, the God of Israel.
Leviticus 26:40
- "But at last my people will confess their sins and the sins of their ancestors for betraying me and being hostile toward me.
- Finally, when I have given full expression to my hostility and have brought them to the land of their enemies, then at last their disobedient hearts will be humbled, and they will pay for their sins.
Matthew 27:54
- The Roman officer and the other soldiers at the crucifixion were terrified by the earthquake and all that had happened. They said, "Truly, this was the Son of God!"
Daniel 9:4
- I prayed to the LORD my God and confessed: "O Lord, you are a great and awesome God! You always fulfill your promises of unfailing love to those who love you and keep your commands.
2 Chronicles 33:12
- But while in deep distress, Manasseh sought the LORD his God and cried out humbly to the God of his ancestors.
James 4:7
- So humble yourselves before God. Resist the Devil, and he will flee from you.
Luke 15:18
- I will go home to my father and say, "Father, I have sinned against both heaven and you,
- and I am no longer worthy of being called your son. Please take me on as a hired man."'
1 Peter 1:19
- He paid for you with the precious lifeblood of Christ, the sinless, spotless Lamb of God.
Nehemiah 9:3
- The Book of the Law of the LORD their God was read aloud to them for about three hours. Then for three more hours they took turns confessing their sins and worshiping the LORD their God.
Matthew 27:19
- Just then, as Pilate was sitting on the judgment seat, his wife sent him this message: "Leave that innocent man alone, because I had a terrible nightmare about him last night."
Luke 22:69
- But the time is soon coming when I, the Son of Man, will be sitting at God's right hand in the place of power."
- They all shouted, "Then you claim you are the Son of God?" And he replied, "You are right in saying that I am."
Matthew 27:24
- Pilate saw that he wasn't getting anywhere and that a riot was developing. So he sent for a bowl of water and washed his hands before the crowd, saying, "I am innocent of the blood of this man. The responsibility is yours!"
1 John 1:8
- If we say we have no sin, we are only fooling ourselves and refusing to accept the truth.
- But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us from every wrong.