Luke 22:1 Cross References
Luke 22:1
1: The Festival of Unleavened Bread, which begins with the Passover celebration, was drawing near.
Leviticus 23:5
- "First comes the LORD's Passover, which begins at twilight on its appointed day in early spring.
- Then the day after the Passover celebration, the Festival of Unleavened Bread begins. This festival to the LORD continues for seven days, and during that time all the bread you eat must be made without yeast.
Exodus 12:6
- "Take special care of these lambs until the evening of the fourteenth day of this first month. Then each family in the community must slaughter its lamb.
- They are to take some of the lamb's blood and smear it on the top and sides of the doorframe of the house where the lamb will be eaten.
- That evening everyone must eat roast lamb with bitter herbs and bread made without yeast.
- The meat must never be eaten raw or boiled; roast it all, including the head, legs, and internal organs.
- Do not leave any of it until the next day. Whatever is not eaten that night must be burned before morning.
Mark 14:1
- It was now two days before the Passover celebration and the Festival of Unleavened Bread. The leading priests and the teachers of religious law were still looking for an opportunity to capture Jesus secretly and put him to death.
- "But not during the Passover," they agreed, "or there will be a riot."
John 11:55
- It was now almost time for the celebration of Passover, and many people from the country arrived in Jerusalem several days early so they could go through the cleansing ceremony before the Passover began.
- They wanted to see Jesus, and as they talked in the Temple, they asked each other, "What do you think? Will he come for the Passover?"
- Meanwhile, the leading priests and Pharisees had publicly announced that anyone seeing Jesus must report him immediately so they could arrest him.
Mark 14:12
- On the first day of the Festival of Unleavened Bread (the day the Passover lambs were sacrificed), Jesus' disciples asked him, "Where do you want us to go to prepare the Passover supper?"
1 Corinthians 5:7
- Remove this wicked person from among you so that you can stay pure. Christ, our Passover Lamb, has been sacrificed for us.
- So let us celebrate the festival, not by eating the old bread of wickedness and evil, but by eating the new bread of purity and truth.
Matthew 26:2
- "As you know, the Passover celebration begins in two days, and I, the Son of Man, will be betrayed and crucified."
- At that same time the leading priests and other leaders were meeting at the residence of Caiaphas, the high priest,
- to discuss how to capture Jesus secretly and put him to death.
- "But not during the Passover," they agreed, "or there will be a riot."