Leviticus 9:4 Cross References
Leviticus 9:4
4: Also tell them to take a bull and a ram for a peace offering and flour mixed with olive oil for a grain offering. Tell them to present all these offerings to the LORD because the LORD will appear to them today."
Exodus 29:43
- I will meet the people of Israel there, and the Tabernacle will be sanctified by my glorious presence.
Leviticus 9:23
- Next Moses and Aaron went into the Tabernacle, and when they came back out, they blessed the people again, and the glorious presence of the LORD appeared to the whole community.
Leviticus 9:6
- Then Moses told them, "When you have followed these instructions from the LORD, the glorious presence of the LORD will appear to you."
Leviticus 2:1
- "When you bring a grain offering to the LORD, the offering must consist of choice flour. You are to pour olive oil on it and sprinkle it with incense.
- Bring this offering to one of Aaron's sons, and he will take a handful of the flour mixed with olive oil, together with all the incense, and burn this token portion on the altar fire. It is an offering made by fire, very pleasing to the LORD.
- The rest of the flour will be given to Aaron and his sons. It will be considered a most holy part of the offerings given to the LORD by fire.
- "When you present some kind of baked bread as a grain offering, it must be made of choice flour mixed with olive oil but without any yeast. It may be presented in the form of cakes mixed with olive oil or wafers spread with olive oil.
- If your grain offering is cooked on a griddle, it must be made of choice flour and olive oil, and it must contain no yeast.
Exodus 16:10
- And as Aaron spoke to the people, they looked out toward the desert. Within the guiding cloud, they could see the awesome glory of the LORD.
Numbers 16:19
- Meanwhile, Korah had stirred up the entire community against Moses and Aaron, and they all assembled at the Tabernacle entrance. Then the glorious presence of the LORD appeared to the whole community,
Numbers 15:3
- and you want to please the LORD with a burnt offering or any other offering given by fire, the sacrifice must be an animal from your flocks of sheep and goats or from your herds of cattle. When it is an ordinary burnt offering, a sacrifice to fulfill a vow, a freewill offering, or a special sacrifice at any of the annual festivals,
- whoever brings it must also give to the LORD a grain offering of two quarts of choice flour mixed with one quart of olive oil.
- For each lamb offered as a whole burnt offering, you must also present one quart of wine for a drink offering.
- "If the sacrifice is a ram, give three quarts of choice flour mixed with two and a half pints of olive oil,
- and give two and a half pints of wine for a drink offering. This sacrifice will be very pleasing to the LORD.
Leviticus 6:14
- "These are the instructions regarding the grain offering. Aaron's sons must present this offering to the LORD in front of the altar.
- The priest on duty will take a handful of the choice flour that has been mixed with olive oil and sprinkled with incense. He will burn this token portion on the altar, and it will be very pleasing to the LORD.
- After burning this handful, the rest of the flour will belong to Aaron and his sons for their food. It must, however, be baked without yeast and eaten in a sacred place within the courtyard of the Tabernacle.
- Remember, this flour may never be prepared with yeast. I have given it to the priests as their share of the offerings presented to me by fire. Like the sin offering and the guilt offering, it is most holy.
- Any of Aaron's male descendants, from generation to generation, may eat of the grain offering, because it is their regular share of the offerings given to the LORD by fire. Anyone or anything that touches this food will become holy."
Numbers 14:10
- But the whole community began to talk about stoning Joshua and Caleb. Then the glorious presence of the LORD appeared to all the Israelites from above the Tabernacle.
Exodus 40:34
- Then the cloud covered the Tabernacle, and the glorious presence of the LORD filled it.
- Moses was no longer able to enter the Tabernacle because the cloud had settled down over it, and the Tabernacle was filled with the awesome glory of the LORD.
1 Kings 8:10
- As the priests came out of the inner sanctuary, a cloud filled the Temple of the LORD.
- The priests could not continue their work because the glorious presence of the LORD filled the Temple.
- Then Solomon prayed, "O LORD, you have said that you would live in thick darkness.
Ezekiel 43:2
- Suddenly, the glory of the God of Israel appeared from the east. The sound of his coming was like the roar of rushing waters, and the whole landscape shone with his glory.
Exodus 19:11
- Be sure they are ready on the third day, for I will come down upon Mount Sinai as all the people watch.
Exodus 24:16
- And the glorious presence of the LORD rested upon Mount Sinai, and the cloud covered it for six days. On the seventh day the LORD called to Moses from the cloud.