Leviticus 7:13 Cross References
Leviticus 7:13
13: This peace offering of thanksgiving must also be accompanied by loaves of yeast bread.
Amos 4:5
- Present your bread made with yeast as an offering of thanksgiving. Then give your extra voluntary offerings so you can brag about it everywhere! This is the kind of thing you Israelites love to do," says the Sovereign LORD.
Leviticus 23:17
- From wherever you live, bring two loaves of bread to be lifted up before the LORD as an offering. These loaves must be baked from three quarts of choice flour that contains yeast. They will be an offering to the LORD from the first of your crops.
Matthew 13:33
- Jesus also used this illustration: "The Kingdom of Heaven is like yeast used by a woman making bread. Even though she used a large amount of flour, the yeast permeated every part of the dough."
1 Timothy 4:4
- Since everything God created is good, we should not reject any of it. We may receive it gladly, with thankful hearts.