Leviticus 6:20 Cross References
Leviticus 6:20
20: "On the day Aaron and his sons are anointed, they must bring to the LORD a grain offering of two quarts of choice flour, half to be offered in the morning and half to be offered in the evening.
Exodus 16:36
- (The container used to measure the manna was an omer, which held about two quarts.)
Exodus 29:2
- Then using fine wheat flour and no yeast, make loaves of bread, thin cakes mixed with olive oil, and wafers with oil poured over them.
Numbers 28:10
- This is the whole burnt offering to be presented each Sabbath day, in addition to the regular daily burnt offering and its accompanying drink offering.
Hebrews 5:1
- Now a high priest is a man chosen to represent other human beings in their dealings with God. He presents their gifts to God and offers their sacrifices for sins.
Leviticus 2:1
- "When you bring a grain offering to the LORD, the offering must consist of choice flour. You are to pour olive oil on it and sprinkle it with incense.
- Bring this offering to one of Aaron's sons, and he will take a handful of the flour mixed with olive oil, together with all the incense, and burn this token portion on the altar fire. It is an offering made by fire, very pleasing to the LORD.
- The rest of the flour will be given to Aaron and his sons. It will be considered a most holy part of the offerings given to the LORD by fire.
- "When you present some kind of baked bread as a grain offering, it must be made of choice flour mixed with olive oil but without any yeast. It may be presented in the form of cakes mixed with olive oil or wafers spread with olive oil.
- If your grain offering is cooked on a griddle, it must be made of choice flour and olive oil, and it must contain no yeast.
Leviticus 5:11
- "If any of the people cannot afford to bring young turtledoves or pigeons, they must bring two quarts of choice flour for their sin offering. Since it is a sin offering, they must not mix it with olive oil or put any incense on it.
Numbers 28:3
- "Say to them: When you present your daily whole burnt offerings to the LORD, you must offer two one-year-old male lambs with no physical defects.
Hebrews 7:27
- He does not need to offer sacrifices every day like the other high priests. They did this for their own sins first and then for the sins of the people. But Jesus did this once for all when he sacrificed himself on the cross.
Numbers 18:26
- "Say this to the Levites: `When you receive the tithes from the Israelites, give a tenth of the tithes you receive--a tithe of the tithe--to the LORD as a gift.
- The LORD will consider this to be your harvest offering, as though it were the first grain from your own threshing floor or wine from your own winepress.
- You must present one-tenth of the tithe received from the Israelites as a gift to the LORD. From this you must present the LORD's portion to Aaron the priest.
- Be sure to set aside the best portions of the gifts given to you as your gifts to the LORD.'
- "Also say to the Levites: `When you present the best part, it will be considered as though it came from your own threshing floor or winepress.
Exodus 29:35
- "This is how you will ordain Aaron and his sons to their offices. The ordination ceremony will go on for seven days.
- Each day you must sacrifice a young bull as an offering for the atonement of sin. Afterward make an offering to cleanse the altar. Purify the altar by making atonement for it; make it holy by anointing it with oil.
- Make atonement for the altar every day for seven days. After that, the altar will be exceedingly holy, and whatever touches it will become holy.
- "This is what you are to offer on the altar. Offer two one-year-old lambs each day,
- one in the morning and the other in the evening.
Leviticus 5:1
- "If any of the people are called to testify about something they have witnessed, but they refuse to testify, they will be held responsible and be subject to punishment.
Hebrews 8:3
- And since every high priest is required to offer gifts and sacrifices, our High Priest must make an offering, too.
- If he were here on earth, he would not even be a priest, since there already are priests who offer the gifts required by the law of Moses.