Leviticus 4:2 Cross References
Leviticus 4:2
2: "Give the Israelites the following instructions for dealing with those who sin unintentionally by doing anything forbidden by the LORD's commands.
Leviticus 4:27
- "If any of the citizens of Israel do something forbidden by the LORD, they will be guilty even if they sinned unintentionally.
Psalms 19:12
- How can I know all the sins lurking in my heart? Cleanse me from these hidden faults.
Numbers 15:22
- "But suppose some of you unintentionally fail to carry out all these commands that the LORD has given you through Moses.
- And suppose some of your descendants in the future fail to do everything the LORD has commanded through Moses.
- If the mistake was done unintentionally, and the community was unaware of it, the whole community must present a young bull for a burnt offering. It will be pleasing to the LORD, and it must be offered along with the prescribed grain offering and drink offering and with one male goat for a sin offering.
- With it the priest will make atonement for the whole community of Israel, and they will be forgiven. For it was an unintentional sin, and they have corrected it with their offering given to the LORD by fire and by their sin offering.
- The whole community of Israel will be forgiven, including the foreigners living among you, for the entire population was involved in the sin.
Hebrews 9:7
- But only the high priest goes into the Most Holy Place, and only once a year, and always with blood, which he offers to God to cover his own sins and the sins the people have committed in ignorance.
James 3:10
- And so blessing and cursing come pouring out of the same mouth. Surely, my brothers and sisters, this is not right!
Leviticus 5:15
- "If any of the people sin by unintentionally defiling the LORD's sacred property, they must bring to the LORD a ram from the flock as their guilt offering. The animal must have no physical defects, and it must be of the proper value in silver as measured by the standard sanctuary shekel.
- They must then make restitution for whatever holy things they have defiled by paying for the loss, plus an added penalty of 20 percent. When they give their payments to the priest, he will make atonement for them with the ram sacrificed as a guilt offering, and they will be forgiven.
- "If any of them sin by doing something forbidden by the LORD, even if it is done unintentionally, they will be held responsible. When they become aware of their guilt,
- they must bring to the priest a ram from the flock as a guilt offering. The animal must have no physical defects, and it must be of the proper value. In this way, the priest will make atonement for those who are guilty, and they will be forgiven.
Leviticus 4:13
- "If the entire Israelite community does something forbidden by the LORD and the matter escapes the community's notice, all the people will be guilty.
Genesis 20:9
- Then Abimelech called for Abraham. "What is this you have done to us?" he demanded. "What have I done to you that deserves treatment like this, making me and my kingdom guilty of this great sin? This kind of thing should not be done!
Deuteronomy 19:4
- "If someone accidentally kills a neighbor without harboring any previous hatred, the slayer may flee to any of these cities and be safe.
Hebrews 5:2
- And because he is human, he is able to deal gently with the people, though they are ignorant and wayward. For he is subject to the same weaknesses they have.
Leviticus 4:22
- "If one of Israel's leaders does something forbidden by the LORD his God, he will be guilty even if he sinned unintentionally.
1 Samuel 14:27
- But Jonathan had not heard his father's command, and he dipped a stick into a piece of honeycomb and ate the honey. After he had eaten it, he felt much better.
1 Timothy 1:13
- even though I used to scoff at the name of Christ. I hunted down his people, harming them in every way I could. But God had mercy on me because I did it in ignorance and unbelief.