Leviticus 15:31 Cross References
Leviticus 15:31
31: "In this way, you will keep the people of Israel separate from things that will defile them, so they will not die as a result of defiling my Tabernacle that is right there among them.
Numbers 5:3
- This applies to men and women alike. Remove them so they will not defile the camp, where I live among you."
Numbers 19:13
- All those who touch a dead body and do not purify themselves in the proper way defile the LORD's Tabernacle and will be cut off from the community of Israel. Since the water of purification was not sprinkled on them, their defilement continues.
Numbers 19:20
- "But those who become defiled and do not purify themselves will be cut off from the community, for they have defiled the sanctuary of the LORD. Since the water of purification has not been sprinkled on them, they remain defiled.
Ezekiel 5:11
- "As surely as I live, says the Sovereign LORD, I will cut you off completely. I will show you no pity at all because you have defiled my Temple with idols and vile practices.
Ezekiel 23:38
- Then after doing these terrible things, they defiled my Temple and violated my Sabbath day!
1 Corinthians 3:17
- God will bring ruin upon anyone who ruins this temple. For God's temple is holy, and you Christians are that temple.
Deuteronomy 24:8
- "Watch all contagious skin diseases carefully and follow the instructions of the Levitical priests; obey the commands I have given them.
Leviticus 21:23
- Yet because of his physical defect, he must never go behind the inner curtain or come near the altar, for this would desecrate my holy places. I am the LORD who makes them holy."
Leviticus 11:47
- so you can distinguish between what is unclean and may not be eaten and what is clean and may be eaten."
Hebrews 12:14
- Try to live in peace with everyone, and seek to live a clean and holy life, for those who are not holy will not see the Lord.
- Look after each other so that none of you will miss out on the special favor of God. Watch out that no bitter root of unbelief rises up among you, for whenever it springs up, many are corrupted by its poison.
Daniel 9:27
- He will make a treaty with the people for a period of one set of seven, but after half this time, he will put an end to the sacrifices and offerings. Then as a climax to all his terrible deeds, he will set up a sacrilegious object that causes desecration, until the end that has been decreed is poured out on this defiler."
Leviticus 13:59
- "These are the instructions for dealing with infectious mildew in woolen or linen clothing or fabric, or in anything made of leather. This is how the priest will determine whether these things are ceremonially clean or unclean."
Jude 1:4
- I say this because some godless people have wormed their way in among you, saying that God's forgiveness allows us to live immoral lives. The fate of such people was determined long ago, for they have turned against our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.
Ezekiel 44:5
- And the LORD said to me, "Son of man, take careful notice; use your eyes and ears. Listen to everything I tell you about the regulations concerning the LORD's Temple. Take careful note of who may be admitted to the Temple and who is to be excluded from it.
- And give these rebels, the people of Israel, this message from the Sovereign LORD: O people of Israel, enough of your disgusting sins!
- You have brought uncircumcised foreigners into my sanctuary--people who have no heart for God. In this way, you profaned my Temple even as you offered me my food, the fat and blood of sacrifices. Thus, in addition to all your other disgusting sins, you have broken my covenant.
Ezekiel 44:23
- They will teach my people the difference between what is holy and what is common, what is ceremonially clean and unclean.
Hebrews 10:29
- Think how much more terrible the punishment will be for those who have trampled on the Son of God and have treated the blood of the covenant as if it were common and unholy. Such people have insulted and enraged the Holy Spirit who brings God's mercy to his people.
Leviticus 20:3
- I myself will turn against them and cut them off from the community, because they have defiled my sanctuary and profaned my holy name by giving their children to Molech.
Leviticus 19:30
- "Keep my Sabbath days of rest and show reverence toward my sanctuary, for I am the LORD.
Psalms 66:18
- If I had not confessed the sin in my heart, my Lord would not have listened.