Leviticus 15:20 Cross References
Leviticus 15:20
20: Anything on which she lies or sits during that time will be defiled.
Leviticus 15:4
- Any bedding on which he lies and anything on which he sits will be defiled.
- "So if you touch the man's bedding, you will be required to wash your clothes and bathe in water, and you will remain ceremonially defiled until evening.
- If you sit where the man with the discharge has sat, you will be required to wash your clothes and bathe in water. You will then remain defiled until evening.
- The same instructions apply if you touch the man who has the unclean discharge.
- And if he spits on you, you must undergo the same procedure.
Proverbs 22:27
- If you can't pay it, even your bed will be snatched from under you.
1 Corinthians 15:33
- Don't be fooled by those who say such things, for "bad company corrupts good character."
Proverbs 6:24
- These commands and this teaching will keep you from the immoral woman, from the smooth tongue of an adulterous woman.
Ecclesiastes 7:26
- I discovered that a seductive woman is more bitter than death. Her passion is a trap, and her soft hands will bind you. Those who please God will escape from her, but sinners will be caught in her snare.
Proverbs 5:3
- The lips of an immoral woman are as sweet as honey, and her mouth is smoother than oil.
- But the result is as bitter as poison, sharp as a double-edged sword.
- Her feet go down to death; her steps lead straight to the grave.
- For she does not care about the path to life. She staggers down a crooked trail and doesn't even realize where it leads.
- So now, my sons, listen to me. Never stray from what I am about to say:
Proverbs 7:10
- The woman approached him, dressed seductively and sly of heart.
- She was the brash, rebellious type who never stays at home.
- She is often seen in the streets and markets, soliciting at every corner.
- She threw her arms around him and kissed him, and with a brazen look she said,
- "I've offered my sacrifices and just finished my vows.
Proverbs 9:13
- The woman named Folly is loud and brash. She is ignorant and doesn't even know it.
- She sits in her doorway on the heights overlooking the city.
- She calls out to men going by who are minding their own business.
- "Come home with me," she urges the simple. To those without good judgment, she says,
- "Stolen water is refreshing; food eaten in secret tastes the best!"
Proverbs 2:16
- Wisdom will save you from the immoral woman, from the flattery of the adulterous woman.
- She has abandoned her husband and ignores the covenant she made before God.
- Entering her house leads to death; it is the road to hell.
- The man who visits her is doomed. He will never reach the paths of life.
Proverbs 6:35
- There is no compensation or bribe that will satisfy him.