Leviticus 14:8 Cross References
Leviticus 14:8
8: "The people being purified must complete the cleansing ceremony by washing their clothes, shaving off all their hair, and bathing themselves in water. Then they will be ceremonially clean and may return to live inside the camp. However, they must still remain outside their tents for seven days.
Leviticus 11:25
- If you move the dead body of an unclean animal, you must immediately wash your clothes, and you will remain defiled until evening.
Numbers 8:7
- Do this by sprinkling them with the water of purification. And have them shave their entire body and wash their clothing. Then they will be ceremonially clean.
Leviticus 13:5
- On the seventh day the priest will make another examination. If the affected area has not changed or spread on the skin, then the priest will put the person in quarantine for seven more days.
- The priest will examine the skin again on the seventh day. If the affected area has faded and not spread, the priest will pronounce the person ceremonially clean. It was only a temporary rash. So after washing the clothes, the person will be considered free of disease.
Exodus 19:14
- So Moses went down to the people. He purified them for worship and had them wash their clothing.
Numbers 12:14
- And the LORD said to Moses, "If her father had spit in her face, wouldn't she have been defiled for seven days? Banish her from the camp for seven days, and after that she may return."
- So Miriam was excluded from the camp for seven days, and the people waited until she was brought back before they traveled again.
Leviticus 14:9
- On the seventh day, they must again shave off all their hair, including the hair of the beard and eyebrows, and wash their clothes and bathe themselves in water. Then they will be pronounced ceremonially clean.
Revelation 1:5
- and from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness to these things, the first to rise from the dead, and the commander of all the rulers of the world. All praise to him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by shedding his blood for us.
- He has made us his Kingdom and his priests who serve before God his Father. Give to him everlasting glory! He rules forever and ever! Amen!
Leviticus 14:20
- and offer it on the altar along with the grain offering. In this way, the priest will make atonement for the person being cleansed, and the healed person will be ceremonially clean.
1 Peter 3:21
- And this is a picture of baptism, which now saves you by the power of Jesus Christ's resurrection. Baptism is not a removal of dirt from your body; it is an appeal to God from a clean conscience.
Exodus 19:10
- Then the LORD told Moses, "Go down and prepare the people for my visit. Purify them today and tomorrow, and have them wash their clothing.
Leviticus 8:6
- Then he presented Aaron and his sons and washed them with water.
Revelation 7:14
- And I said to him, "Sir, you are the one who knows." Then he said to me, "These are the ones coming out of the great tribulation. They washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb and made them white.
2 Chronicles 26:21
- So King Uzziah had leprosy until the day he died. He lived in isolation, excluded from the Temple of the LORD. His son Jotham was put in charge of the royal palace, and he governed the people of the land.
Leviticus 8:33
- Do not leave the Tabernacle entrance for seven days, for that is the time it will take to complete the ordination ceremony.
- What has been done today was commanded by the LORD in order to make atonement for you.
- Remember, you must stay at the entrance of the Tabernacle day and night for seven days, doing everything the LORD requires. If you fail in this, you will die. This is what the LORD has said."
Leviticus 15:5
- "So if you touch the man's bedding, you will be required to wash your clothes and bathe in water, and you will remain ceremonially defiled until evening.
- If you sit where the man with the discharge has sat, you will be required to wash your clothes and bathe in water. You will then remain defiled until evening.
- The same instructions apply if you touch the man who has the unclean discharge.
- And if he spits on you, you must undergo the same procedure.
Numbers 5:2
- "Command the people of Israel to remove anyone from the camp who has a contagious skin disease or a discharge, or who has been defiled by touching a dead person.
- This applies to men and women alike. Remove them so they will not defile the camp, where I live among you."