Leviticus 14:10 Cross References
Leviticus 14:10
10: "On the next day, the eighth day, each person cured of the skin disease must bring two male lambs and one female year-old lamb with no physical defects, along with five quarts of choice flour mixed with olive oil and three-fifths of a pint of olive oil.
Leviticus 2:1
- "When you bring a grain offering to the LORD, the offering must consist of choice flour. You are to pour olive oil on it and sprinkle it with incense.
Leviticus 14:15
- "Then the priest will pour some of the olive oil into the palm of his own left hand.
Luke 5:14
- Then Jesus instructed him not to tell anyone what had happened. He said, "Go right to the priest and let him examine you. Take along the offering required in the law of Moses for those who have been healed of leprosy, so everyone will have proof of your healing."
Leviticus 14:21
- "But anyone who cannot afford two lambs must bring one male lamb for a guilt offering, along with two quarts of choice flour mixed with olive oil as a grain offering and three-fifths of a pint of olive oil. The guilt offering will be presented by lifting it up, thus making atonement for the person being cleansed.
Leviticus 14:12
- The priest will take one of the lambs and the olive oil and offer them as a guilt offering by lifting them up before the LORD.
Mark 1:44
- "Go right over to the priest and let him examine you. Don't talk to anyone along the way. Take along the offering required in the law of Moses for those who have been healed of leprosy, so everyone will have proof of your healing."
Matthew 8:4
- Then Jesus said to him, "Go right over to the priest and let him examine you. Don't talk to anyone along the way. Take along the offering required in the law of Moses for those who have been healed of leprosy, so everyone will have proof of your healing."
John 6:51
- I am the living bread that came down out of heaven. Anyone who eats this bread will live forever; this bread is my flesh, offered so the world may live."
Exodus 29:40
- With one of them, offer two quarts of fine flour mixed with one quart of olive oil; also, offer one quart of wine as a drink offering.
Leviticus 1:10
- "If your sacrifice for a whole burnt offering is from the flock, bring a male sheep or goat with no physical defects.
Leviticus 4:32
- "If any of the people bring a sheep as their sin offering, it must be a female with no physical defects.
Leviticus 14:23
- On the eighth day, the person being cleansed must bring the offerings to the priest for the cleansing ceremony to be performed in the LORD's presence at the Tabernacle entrance.
- The priest will take the lamb for the guilt offering, along with the olive oil, and lift them up before the LORD as an offering to him.
Numbers 6:14
- and offer these sacrifices to the LORD: a one-year-old male lamb without defect for a burnt offering, a one-year-old female lamb without defect for a sin offering, a ram without defect for a peace offering,
Leviticus 2:11
- "Do not use yeast in any of the grain offerings you present to the LORD, because no yeast or honey may be burned as an offering to the LORD by fire.
Leviticus 2:13
- Season all your grain offerings with salt, to remind you of God's covenant. Never forget to add salt to your grain offerings.
Leviticus 23:13
- A grain offering must accompany it consisting of three quarts of choice flour mixed with olive oil. It will be an offering given to the LORD by fire, and it will be very pleasing to him. Along with this sacrifice, you must also offer one quart of wine as a drink offering.
Leviticus 9:1
- After the ordination ceremony, on the eighth day, Moses called together Aaron and his sons and the leaders of Israel.
Leviticus 15:13
- "When the man's discharge heals, he must count off a period of seven days. During that time, he must wash his clothes and bathe in fresh springwater. Then he will be ceremonially clean.
- On the eighth day he must bring two turtledoves or two young pigeons and present himself to the LORD at the entrance of the Tabernacle and give his offerings to the priest.
Numbers 28:20
- These will be accompanied by grain offerings of choice flour mixed with olive oil--five quarts with each bull, three quarts with the ram,
1 Peter 1:19
- He paid for you with the precious lifeblood of Christ, the sinless, spotless Lamb of God.
John 6:33
- The true bread of God is the one who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world."
John 1:29
- The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, "Look! There is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!
Numbers 15:4
- whoever brings it must also give to the LORD a grain offering of two quarts of choice flour mixed with one quart of olive oil.
- For each lamb offered as a whole burnt offering, you must also present one quart of wine for a drink offering.
- "If the sacrifice is a ram, give three quarts of choice flour mixed with two and a half pints of olive oil,
- and give two and a half pints of wine for a drink offering. This sacrifice will be very pleasing to the LORD.
- "When you present a young bull as a burnt offering or a sacrifice in fulfillment of a special vow or as a peace offering to the LORD,