Leviticus 11:3 Cross References
Leviticus 11:3
3: include those that have completely divided hooves and chew the cud.
2 Corinthians 6:17
- Therefore, come out from them and separate yourselves from them, says the Lord. Don't touch their filthy things, and I will welcome you.
Proverbs 2:10
- For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will fill you with joy.
Proverbs 9:6
- Leave your foolish ways behind, and begin to live; learn how to be wise."
1 Timothy 4:15
- Give your complete attention to these matters. Throw yourself into your tasks so that everyone will see your progress.
Deuteronomy 16:3
- Eat it with bread made without yeast. For seven days eat only bread made without yeast, as you did when you escaped from Egypt in such a hurry. Eat this bread--the bread of suffering--so that you will remember the day you departed from Egypt as long as you live.
- Let no yeast be found in any house throughout your land for seven days. And do not let any of the meat of the Passover lamb remain until the next morning.
- "The Passover must not be eaten in the towns that the LORD your God is giving you.
- It must be offered at the place the LORD your God will choose for his name to be honored. Sacrifice it there as the sun goes down on the anniversary of your exodus from Egypt.
- Roast the lamb and eat it in the place the LORD your God chooses. Then go back to your tents the next morning.
Acts 17:11
- And the people of Berea were more open-minded than those in Thessalonica, and they listened eagerly to Paul's message. They searched the Scriptures day after day to check up on Paul and Silas, to see if they were really teaching the truth.
Proverbs 2:1
- My child, listen to me and treasure my instructions.
- Tune your ears to wisdom, and concentrate on understanding.
Psalms 1:1
- Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners, or join in with scoffers.
- But they delight in doing everything the LORD wants; day and night they think about his law.
Deuteronomy 6:6
- And you must commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these commands I am giving you today.
- Repeat them again and again to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are away on a journey, when you are lying down and when you are getting up again.