Leviticus 11:10 Cross References
Leviticus 11:10
10: You may not, however, eat marine animals that do not have both fins and scales. You are to detest them,
Leviticus 7:18
- If any of the meat from this peace offering is eaten on the third day, it will not be accepted by the LORD. It will have no value as a sacrifice, and you will receive no credit for bringing it as an offering. By then, the meat will be contaminated; if you eat it, you will have to answer for your sin.
Psalms 139:21
- O LORD, shouldn't I hate those who hate you? Shouldn't I despise those who resist you?
- Yes, I hate them with complete hatred, for your enemies are my enemies.
Deuteronomy 14:3
- "You must not eat animals that are ceremonially unclean.
Proverbs 13:20
- Whoever walks with the wise will become wise; whoever walks with fools will suffer harm.
Proverbs 29:27
- The godly despise the wicked; the wicked despise the godly.
Revelation 21:8
- But cowards who turn away from me, and unbelievers, and the corrupt, and murderers, and the immoral, and those who practice witchcraft, and idol worshipers, and all liars--their doom is in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur. This is the second death."