Lamentations 5:14 Cross References
Lamentations 5:14
14: The old men no longer sit in the city gates; the young men no longer dance and sing.
Jeremiah 7:34
- I will put an end to the happy singing and laughter in the streets of Jerusalem. The joyful voices of bridegrooms and brides will no longer be heard in the towns of Judah. The land will lie in complete desolation.
Revelation 18:22
- Never again will the sound of music be heard there--no more harps, songs, flutes, or trumpets. There will be no industry of any kind, and no more milling of grain.
Isaiah 3:2
- He will destroy all the nation's leaders--the heroes, soldiers, judges, prophets, diviners, elders,
- army officers, honorable citizens, advisers, skilled magicians, and expert enchanters.
Jeremiah 25:10
- I will take away your happy singing and laughter. The joyful voices of bridegrooms and brides will no longer be heard. Your businesses will fail, and all your homes will stand silent and dark.
Job 30:31
- My harp plays sad music, and my flute accompanies those who weep.
Job 30:1
- "But now I am mocked by those who are younger than I, by young men whose fathers are not worthy to run with my sheepdogs.
Jeremiah 16:9
- For the LORD Almighty, the God of Israel, says: In your own lifetime, before your very eyes, I will put an end to the happy singing and laughter in this land. The joyful voices of bridegrooms and brides will no longer be heard.
Ezekiel 26:13
- I will stop the music of your songs. No more will the sound of harps be heard among your people.
Deuteronomy 16:18
- "Appoint judges and officials for each of your tribes in all the towns the LORD your God is giving you. They will judge the people fairly throughout the land.
Isaiah 24:7
- All the joys of life will be gone. The grape harvest will fail, and there will be no wine. The merrymakers will sigh and mourn.
- The clash of tambourines will be stilled; the happy cries of celebration will be heard no more. The melodious chords of the harp will be silent.
- Gone are the joys of wine and song; strong drink now turns bitter in the mouth.
- The city writhes in chaos; every home is locked to keep out looters.
- Mobs gather in the streets, crying out for wine. Joy has reached its lowest ebb. Gladness has been banished from the land.
Job 29:7
- "Those were the days when I went to the city gate and took my place among the honored leaders.
- The young stepped aside when they saw me, and even the aged rose in respect at my coming.
- The princes stood in silence and put their hands over their mouths.
- The highest officials of the city stood quietly, holding their tongues in respect.
- "All who heard of me praised me. All who saw me spoke well of me.
Lamentations 1:4
- The roads to Jerusalem are in mourning, no longer filled with crowds on their way to celebrate the Temple festivals. The city gates are silent, her priests groan, her young women are crying--how bitterly Jerusalem weeps!
Lamentations 1:19
- "I begged my allies for help, but they betrayed me. My priests and leaders starved to death in the city, even as they searched for food to save their lives.
Lamentations 2:10
- The leaders of Jerusalem sit on the ground in silence, clothed in sackcloth. They throw dust on their heads in sorrow and despair. The young women of Jerusalem hang their heads in shame.