Lamentations 4:12 Cross References
Lamentations 4:12
12: Not a king in all the earth--no one in all the world--would have believed an enemy could march through the gates of Jerusalem.
Jeremiah 21:13
- I will fight against this city of Jerusalem that boasts, "We are safe on our mountain! No one can touch us here."
Psalms 48:4
- The kings of the earth joined forces and advanced against the city.
- But when they saw it, they were stunned; they were terrified and ran away.
- They were gripped with terror, like a woman writhing in the pain of childbirth
1 Kings 9:8
- And though this Temple is impressive now, it will become an appalling sight for all who pass by. They will scoff and ask, `Why did the LORD do such terrible things to his land and to his Temple?'
- And the answer will be, `Because his people forgot the LORD their God, who brought their ancestors out of Egypt, and they worshiped other gods instead. That is why the LORD has brought all these disasters upon them.'"
Deuteronomy 29:24
- The surrounding nations will ask, `Why has the LORD done this to his land? Why was he so angry?'
- "And they will be told, `This happened because the people of the land broke the covenant they made with the LORD, the God of their ancestors, when he brought them out of the land of Egypt.
- They turned to serve and worship other gods that were foreign to them, gods that the LORD had not designated for them.
- That is why the LORD's anger burned against this land, bringing down on it all the curses recorded in this book.
- In great anger and fury the LORD uprooted his people from their land and exiled them to another land, where they still live today!'