Lamentations 3:52 Cross References
Lamentations 3:52
52: My enemies, whom I have never harmed, chased me like a bird.
Psalms 35:19
- Don't let my treacherous enemies rejoice over my defeat. Don't let those who hate me without cause gloat over my sorrow.
Psalms 35:7
- Although I did them no wrong, they laid a trap for me. Although I did them no wrong, they dug a pit for me.
Psalms 109:3
- They are all around me with their hateful words, and they fight against me for no reason.
Jeremiah 37:18
- Then Jeremiah asked the king, "What crime have I committed? What have I done against you, your officials, or the people that I should be imprisoned like this?
1 Samuel 25:28
- Please forgive me if I have offended in any way. The LORD will surely reward you with a lasting dynasty, for you are fighting the LORD's battles. And you have not done wrong throughout your entire life.
- "Even when you are chased by those who seek your life, you are safe in the care of the LORD your God, secure in his treasure pouch! But the lives of your enemies will disappear like stones shot from a sling!
Jeremiah 37:15
- They were furious with Jeremiah and had him flogged and imprisoned in the house of Jonathan the secretary. Jonathan's house had been converted into a prison.
- Jeremiah was put into a dungeon cell, where he remained for many days.
Psalms 119:161
- Powerful people harass me without cause, but my heart trembles only at your word.
1 Samuel 24:10
- This very day you can see with your own eyes it isn't true. For the LORD placed you at my mercy back there in the cave, and some of my men told me to kill you, but I spared you. For I said, `I will never harm him--he is the LORD's anointed one.'
- Look, my father, at what I have in my hand. It is a piece of your robe! I cut it off, but I didn't kill you. This proves that I am not trying to harm you and that I have not sinned against you, even though you have been hunting for me to kill me.
- The LORD will decide between us. Perhaps the LORD will punish you for what you are trying to do to me, but I will never harm you.
- As that old proverb says, `From evil people come evil deeds.' So you can be sure I will never harm you.
- Who is the king of Israel trying to catch anyway? Should he spend his time chasing one who is as worthless as a dead dog or a flea?
1 Samuel 26:18
- Why are you chasing me? What have I done? What is my crime?
- But now let my lord the king listen to his servant. If the LORD has stirred you up against me, then let him accept my offering. But if this is simply a human scheme, then may those involved be cursed by the LORD. For you have driven me from my home, so I can no longer live among the LORD's people and worship as I should.
- Must I die on foreign soil, far from the presence of the LORD? Why has the king of Israel come out to search for a single flea? Why does he hunt me down like a partridge on the mountains?"
Jeremiah 38:4
- So these officials went to the king and said, "Sir, this man must die! That kind of talk will undermine the morale of the few fighting men we have left, as well as that of all the people, too. This man is a traitor!"
- So King Zedekiah agreed. "All right," he said. "Do as you like. I will do nothing to stop you."
- So the officials took Jeremiah from his cell and lowered him by ropes into an empty cistern in the prison yard. It belonged to Malkijah, a member of the royal family. There was no water in the cistern, but there was a thick layer of mud at the bottom, and Jeremiah sank down into it.
John 15:25
- This has fulfilled what the Scriptures said: 'They hated me without cause.'
Psalms 11:1
- I trust in the LORD for protection. So why do you say to me, "Fly to the mountains for safety!
Psalms 69:4
- Those who hate me without cause are more numerous than the hairs on my head. These enemies who seek to destroy me are doing so without cause. They attack me with lies, demanding that I give back what I didn't steal.