Lamentations 1:19 Cross References
Lamentations 1:19
19: "I begged my allies for help, but they betrayed me. My priests and leaders starved to death in the city, even as they searched for food to save their lives.
Lamentations 1:2
- She sobs through the night; tears stream down her cheeks. Among all her lovers, there is no one left to help her. All her friends have betrayed her; they are now her enemies.
Lamentations 1:11
- Her people groan as they search for bread. They have sold their treasures for food to stay alive. "O LORD, look," she mourns, "and see how I am despised.
Lamentations 2:20
- "O LORD, think about this!" Jerusalem cries. "You are doing this to your own people! Should mothers eat their little children, those they once bounced on their knees? Should priests and prophets die within the Lord's Temple?
Job 19:13
- "My relatives stay far away, and my friends have turned against me.
- My neighbors and my close friends are all gone.
- The members of my household have forgotten me. The servant girls consider me a stranger. I am like a foreigner to them.
- I call my servant, but he doesn't come; I even plead with him!
- My breath is repulsive to my wife. I am loathsome to my own family.
Jeremiah 37:7
- "This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: Tell the king of Judah, who sent you to ask me what is going to happen, that Pharaoh's army is about to return to Egypt, though he came here to help you.
- Then the Babylonians will come back and capture this city and burn it to the ground.
- The LORD says: Do not fool yourselves that the Babylonians are gone for good. They aren't!
Lamentations 5:12
- Our princes are being hanged by their thumbs, and the old men are treated with contempt.
Jeremiah 30:14
- All your allies have left you and do not care about you anymore. I have wounded you cruelly, as though I were your enemy. For your sins are many, and your guilt is great.
Jeremiah 2:28
- Why don't you call on these gods you have made? When danger comes, let them save you if they can! For you have as many gods as there are cities and towns in Judah.
Jeremiah 23:11
- "The priests are like the prophets, all ungodly, wicked men. I have seen their despicable acts right here in my own Temple," says the LORD.
- "Therefore, their paths will be dark and slippery. They will be chased down dark and treacherous trails, where they will fall. For I will bring disaster upon them when their time of punishment comes. I, the LORD, have spoken!
- "I saw that the prophets of Samaria were terribly evil, for they prophesied by Baal and led my people of Israel into sin.
- But now I see that the prophets of Jerusalem are even worse! They commit adultery, and they love dishonesty. They encourage those who are doing evil instead of turning them away from their sins. These prophets are as wicked as the people of Sodom and Gomorrah once were."
- Therefore, this is what the LORD Almighty says concerning the prophets: "I will feed them with bitterness and give them poison to drink. For it is because of Jerusalem's prophets that wickedness fills this land.
Jeremiah 14:15
- Therefore, says the LORD, I will punish these lying prophets, for they have spoken in my name even though I never sent them. They say that no war or famine will come, but they themselves will die by war and famine!
- As for the people to whom they prophesy--their bodies will be thrown out into the streets of Jerusalem, victims of famine and war. There will be no one left to bury them. Husbands, wives, sons, and daughters--all will be gone. For I will pour out their own wickedness on them.
- "Now, Jeremiah, say this to them: `Night and day my eyes overflow with tears. I cannot stop weeping, for my virgin daughter--my precious people--has been run through with a sword and lies mortally wounded on the ground.
- If I go out into the fields, I see the bodies of people slaughtered by the enemy. If I walk the city streets, there I see people who have died of starvation. The prophets and priests continue with their work, but they do not know what they are doing.'"
Lamentations 4:7
- Our princes were once glowing with health; they were as clean as snow and as elegant as jewels.
- But now their faces are blacker than soot. No one even recognizes them. Their skin sticks to their bones; it is as dry and hard as wood.
- Those killed by the sword are far better off than those who die of hunger, wasting away for want of food.
Jeremiah 27:13
- "Why do you insist on dying--you and your people? Why should you choose war, famine, and disease, which the LORD will bring against every nation that refuses to submit to Babylon's king?
- Do not listen to the false prophets who keep telling you, `The king of Babylon will not conquer you.' They are liars.
- This is what the LORD says: I have not sent these prophets! They are telling you lies in my name, so I will drive you from this land. You will all die--you and all these prophets, too."
Lamentations 4:17
- We looked in vain for our allies to come and save us, but we were looking to nations that could offer no help at all.