Judges 5:11 Cross References
Judges 5:11
11: Listen to the village musicians gathered at the watering holes. They recount the righteous victories of the LORD, and the victories of his villagers in Israel. Then the people of the LORD marched down to the city gates.
Micah 6:5
- "Don't you remember, my people, how King Balak of Moab tried to have you cursed and how Balaam son of Beor blessed you instead? And remember your journey from Acacia to Gilgal, when I, the LORD, did everything I could to teach you about my faithfulness."
1 Samuel 12:7
- Now stand here quietly before the LORD as I remind you of all the great things the LORD has done for you and your ancestors.
Isaiah 28:6
- He will give a longing for justice to their judges. He will give great courage to their warriors who stand at the gates.
Psalms 145:7
- Everyone will share the story of your wonderful goodness; they will sing with joy of your righteousness.
Job 29:7
- "Those were the days when I went to the city gate and took my place among the honored leaders.
Jeremiah 7:2
- "Go to the entrance of the LORD's Temple, and give this message to the people: `O Judah, listen to this message from the LORD! Listen to it, all of you who worship here!
Exodus 2:17
- But other shepherds would often come and chase the girls and their flocks away. This time, however, Moses came to their aid, rescuing the girls from the shepherds. Then he helped them draw water for their flocks.
- When the girls returned to Reuel, their father, he asked, "How did you get the flocks watered so quickly today?"
- "An Egyptian rescued us from the shepherds," they told him. "And then he drew water for us and watered our flocks."
Isaiah 12:3
- With joy you will drink deeply from the fountain of salvation!
Lamentations 5:4
- We have to pay for water to drink, and even firewood is expensive.
Deuteronomy 22:24
- you must take both of them to the gates of the town and stone them to death. The woman is guilty because she did not scream for help. The man must die because he violated another man's wife. In this way, you will cleanse the land of evil.
Lamentations 5:9
- We must hunt for food in the wilderness at the risk of our lives.
Genesis 26:20
- But then the local shepherds came and claimed the spring. "This is our water," they said, and they argued over it with Isaac's herdsmen. So Isaac named the well "Argument," because they had argued about it with him.
- Isaac's men then dug another well, but again there was a fight over it. So Isaac named it "Opposition."
- Abandoning that one, he dug another well, and the local people finally left him alone. So Isaac called it "Room Enough," for he said, "At last the LORD has made room for us, and we will be able to thrive."
Judges 5:8
- When Israel chose new gods, war erupted at the city gates. Yet not a shield or spear could be seen among forty thousand warriors in Israel!