Judges 17:2 Cross References
Judges 17:2
2: One day he said to his mother, "I heard you curse the thief who stole eleven hundred pieces of silver from you. Well, here they are. I was the one who took them.The LORD bless you for admitting it," his mother replied.
Nehemiah 13:25
- So I confronted them and called down curses on them. I beat some of them and pulled out their hair. I made them swear before God that they would not let their children intermarry with the pagan people of the land.
Ruth 3:10
- "The LORD bless you, my daughter!" Boaz exclaimed. "You are showing more family loyalty now than ever by not running after a younger man, whether rich or poor.
Deuteronomy 27:16
- `Cursed is anyone who despises father or mother.' And all the people will reply, `Amen.'
Romans 9:3
- for my people, my Jewish brothers and sisters. I would be willing to be forever cursed--cut off from Christ!--if that would save them.
Jeremiah 48:10
- Cursed be those who refuse to do the work the LORD has given them, who hold back their swords from shedding blood!
1 Samuel 23:21
- "The LORD bless you," Saul said. "At last someone is concerned about me!
Proverbs 28:24
- Robbing your parents and then saying, "What's wrong with that?" is as serious as committing murder.
1 Samuel 14:28
- But one of the men saw him and said, "Your father made the army take a strict oath that anyone who eats food today will be cursed. That is why everyone is weary and faint."
1 Corinthians 16:22
- If anyone does not love the Lord, that person is cursed. Our Lord, come!
Judges 5:23
- `Let the people of Meroz be cursed,' said the angel of the LORD. `Let them be utterly cursed because they did not come to help the LORD, to help the LORD against the mighty warriors.'
Genesis 14:19
- Melchizedek blessed Abram with this blessing: "Blessed be Abram by God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth.
Psalms 10:3
- For they brag about their evil desires; they praise the greedy and curse the LORD.
Genesis 24:30
- When he saw the nose-ring and the bracelets on his sister's wrists, and when he heard her story, he rushed out to the spring, where the man was still standing beside his camels. Laban said to him,
- "Come and stay with us, you who are blessed by the LORD. Why do you stand here outside the village when we have a room all ready for you and a place prepared for the camels!"
1 Samuel 15:13
- When Samuel finally found him, Saul greeted him cheerfully. "May the LORD bless you," he said. "I have carried out the LORD's command!"
1 Samuel 14:24
- Now the men of Israel were worn out that day, because Saul had made them take an oath, saying, "Let a curse fall on anyone who eats before evening--before I have full revenge on my enemies." So no one ate a thing all day,
Matthew 26:74
- Peter said, "I swear by God, I don't know the man." And immediately the rooster crowed.
1 Samuel 26:19
- But now let my lord the king listen to his servant. If the LORD has stirred you up against me, then let him accept my offering. But if this is simply a human scheme, then may those involved be cursed by the LORD. For you have driven me from my home, so I can no longer live among the LORD's people and worship as I should.
Exodus 20:7
- "Do not misuse the name of the LORD your God. The LORD will not let you go unpunished if you misuse his name.
2 John 1:11
- Anyone who encourages him becomes a partner in his evil work.