Judges 16:25 Cross References
Judges 16:25
25: Half drunk by now, the people demanded, "Bring out Samson so he can perform for us!" So he was brought from the prison and made to stand at the center of the temple, between the two pillars supporting the roof.
Judges 19:6
- So the two of them sat down together and had something to eat and drink. Then the woman's father said, "Please stay the night and enjoy yourself."
2 Samuel 13:28
- Absalom told his men, "Wait until Amnon gets drunk; then at my signal, kill him! Don't be afraid. I'm the one who has given the command. Take courage and do it!"
Judges 9:27
- During the annual harvest festival at Shechem, held in the temple of the local god, the wine flowed freely, and everyone began cursing Abimelech.
Proverbs 24:17
- Do not rejoice when your enemies fall into trouble. Don't be happy when they stumble.
- For the LORD will be displeased with you and will turn his anger away from them.
Psalms 69:12
- I am the favorite topic of town gossip, and all the drunkards sing about me.
Matthew 26:67
- Then they spit in Jesus' face and hit him with their fists. And some slapped him,
- saying, "Prophesy to us, you Messiah! Who hit you that time?"
Matthew 14:6
- But at a birthday party for Herod, Herodias's daughter performed a dance that greatly pleased him,
- so he promised with an oath to give her anything she wanted.
Hebrews 11:36
- Some were mocked, and their backs were cut open with whips. Others were chained in dungeons.
Judges 19:9
- That afternoon, as he and his concubine and servant were preparing to leave, his father-in-law said, "Look, it's getting late. Stay the night and enjoy yourself. Tomorrow you can get up early and be on your way."
Judges 18:20
- The young priest was quite happy to go with them, so he took along the sacred ephod, the household idols, and the carved image.
Esther 3:15
- At the king's command, the decree went out by the swiftest messengers, and it was proclaimed in the fortress of Susa. Then the king and Haman sat down to drink, but the city of Susa fell into confusion.
Matthew 27:39
- And the people passing by shouted abuse, shaking their heads in mockery.
- "So! You can destroy the Temple and build it again in three days, can you? Well then, if you are the Son of God, save yourself and come down from the cross!"
- The leading priests, the teachers of religious law, and the other leaders also mocked Jesus.
- "He saved others," they scoffed, "but he can't save himself! So he is the king of Israel, is he? Let him come down from the cross, and we will believe in him!
- He trusted God--let God show his approval by delivering him! For he said, 'I am the Son of God.'"
Micah 7:8
- Do not gloat over me, my enemies! For though I fall, I will rise again. Though I sit in darkness, the LORD himself will be my light.
- I will be patient as the LORD punishes me, for I have sinned against him. But after that, he will take up my case and punish my enemies for all the evil they have done to me. The LORD will bring me out of my darkness into the light, and I will see his righteousness.
- Then my enemies will see that the LORD is on my side. They will be ashamed that they taunted me, saying, "Where is the LORD--that God of yours?" With my own eyes I will see them trampled down like mud in the streets.
Isaiah 22:13
- But instead, you dance and play; you slaughter sacrificial animals, feast on meat, and drink wine. "Let's eat, drink, and be merry," you say. "What's the difference, for tomorrow we die."
Job 30:9
- "And now their sons mock me with their vulgar song! They taunt me!
- They despise me and won't come near me, except to spit in my face.
Daniel 5:2
- While Belshazzar was drinking, he gave orders to bring in the gold and silver cups that his predecessor, Nebuchadnezzar, had taken from the Temple in Jerusalem, so that he and his nobles, his wives, and his concubines might drink from them.
- So they brought these gold cups taken from the Temple of God in Jerusalem, and the king and his nobles, his wives, and his concubines drank from them.
Psalms 69:26
- To those you have punished, they add insult to injury; they scoff at the pain of those you have hurt.
1 Kings 20:12
- This reply of Ahab's reached Ben-hadad and the other kings as they were drinking in their tents. "Prepare to attack!" Ben-hadad commanded his officers. So they prepared to attack the city.
Psalms 35:15
- But they are glad now that I am in trouble; they gleefully join together against me. I am attacked by people I don't even know; they hurl slander at me continually.
- They mock me with the worst kind of profanity, and they snarl at me.
Matthew 27:29
- They made a crown of long, sharp thorns and put it on his head, and they placed a stick in his right hand as a scepter. Then they knelt before him in mockery, yelling, "Hail! King of the Jews!"