Joshua 7:13 Cross References
Joshua 7:13
13: "Get up! Command the people to purify themselves in preparation for tomorrow. For this is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: Hidden among you, O Israel, are things set apart for the LORD. You will never defeat your enemies until you remove these things.
Joshua 3:5
- Then Joshua told the people, "Purify yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do great wonders among you."
Matthew 7:5
- Hypocrite! First get rid of the log from your own eye; then perhaps you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend's eye.
Lamentations 3:40
- Instead, let us test and examine our ways. Let us turn again in repentance to the LORD.
- Let us lift our hearts and hands to God in heaven and say,
Joshua 6:18
- Do not take any of the things set apart for destruction, or you yourselves will be completely destroyed, and you will bring trouble on all Israel.
Exodus 19:10
- Then the LORD told Moses, "Go down and prepare the people for my visit. Purify them today and tomorrow, and have them wash their clothing.
- Be sure they are ready on the third day, for I will come down upon Mount Sinai as all the people watch.
- Set boundary lines that the people may not pass. Warn them, `Be careful! Do not go up on the mountain or even touch its boundaries. Those who do will certainly die!
- Any people or animals that cross the boundary must be stoned to death or shot with arrows. They must not be touched by human hands.' The people must stay away from the mountain until they hear one long blast from the ram's horn. Then they must gather at the foot of the mountain."
- So Moses went down to the people. He purified them for worship and had them wash their clothing.
Zephaniah 2:1
- Gather together and pray, you shameless nation.
- Gather while there is still time, before judgment begins and your opportunity is blown away like chaff. Act now, before the fierce fury of the LORD falls and the terrible day of the LORD's anger begins.
2 Chronicles 28:10
- And now you are planning to make slaves of these people from Judah and Jerusalem. What about your own sins against the LORD your God?
1 Corinthians 5:1
- I can hardly believe the report about the sexual immorality going on among you, something so evil that even the pagans don't do it. I am told that you have a man in your church who is living in sin with his father's wife.
- And you are so proud of yourselves! Why aren't you mourning in sorrow and shame? And why haven't you removed this man from your fellowship?
- Even though I am not there with you in person, I am with you in the Spirit. Concerning the one who has done this, I have already passed judgment
- in the name of the Lord Jesus. You are to call a meeting of the church, and I will be there in spirit, and the power of the Lord Jesus will be with you as you meet.
- Then you must cast this man out of the church and into Satan's hands, so that his sinful nature will be destroyed and he himself will be saved when the Lord returns.
Joshua 7:11
- Israel has sinned and broken my covenant! They have stolen the things that I commanded to be set apart for me. And they have not only stolen them; they have also lied about it and hidden the things among their belongings.
Joel 2:16
- Bring everyone--the elders, the children, and even the babies. Call the bridegroom from his quarters and the bride from her private room.
- The priests, who minister in the LORD's presence, will stand between the people and the altar, weeping. Let them pray, "Spare your people, LORD! They belong to you, so don't let them become an object of mockery. Don't let their name become a proverb of unbelieving foreigners who say, `Where is the God of Israel? He must be helpless!'"
1 Corinthians 5:11
- What I meant was that you are not to associate with anyone who claims to be a Christian yet indulges in sexual sin, or is greedy, or worships idols, or is abusive, or a drunkard, or a swindler. Don't even eat with such people.
- It isn't my responsibility to judge outsiders, but it certainly is your job to judge those inside the church who are sinning in these ways.
- God will judge those on the outside; but as the Scriptures say, "You must remove the evil person from among you."