Jonah 3:7 Cross References
Jonah 3:7
7: Then the king and his nobles sent this decree throughout the city: "No one, not even the animals, may eat or drink anything at all.
2 Chronicles 20:3
- Jehoshaphat was alarmed by this news and sought the LORD for guidance. He also gave orders that everyone throughout Judah should observe a fast.
Joel 1:18
- How the animals moan with hunger! The cattle wander about confused because there is no pasture for them. The sheep bleat in misery.
Ezra 8:21
- And there by the Ahava Canal, I gave orders for all of us to fast and humble ourselves before our God. We prayed that he would give us a safe journey and protect us, our children, and our goods as we traveled.
Joel 2:15
- Blow the trumpet in Jerusalem! Announce a time of fasting; call the people together for a solemn meeting.
- Bring everyone--the elders, the children, and even the babies. Call the bridegroom from his quarters and the bride from her private room.
Jonah 3:5
- The people of Nineveh believed God's message, and from the greatest to the least, they decided to go without food and wear sackcloth to show their sorrow.
Romans 8:20
- Against its will, everything on earth was subjected to God's curse.
- All creation anticipates the day when it will join God's children in glorious freedom from death and decay.
- For we know that all creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.