John 9:2 Cross References
John 9:2
2: "Teacher," his disciples asked him, "why was this man born blind? Was it a result of his own sins or those of his parents?"
Luke 13:2
- "Do you think those Galileans were worse sinners than other people from Galilee?" he asked. "Is that why they suffered?
John 9:34
- "You were born in sin!" they answered. "Are you trying to teach us?" And they threw him out of the synagogue.
Acts 28:4
- The people of the island saw it hanging there and said to each other, "A murderer, no doubt! Though he escaped the sea, justice will not permit him to live."
Exodus 20:5
- You must never worship or bow down to them, for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God who will not share your affection with any other god! I do not leave unpunished the sins of those who hate me, but I punish the children for the sins of their parents to the third and fourth generations.
Matthew 16:14
- "Well," they replied, "some say John the Baptist, some say Elijah, and others say Jeremiah or one of the other prophets."
Matthew 23:7
- They enjoy the attention they get on the streets, and they enjoy being called 'Rabbi.'