John 4:26 Cross References
John 4:26
26: Then Jesus told her, "I am the Messiah!"
Romans 10:20
- And later Isaiah spoke boldly for God: "I was found by people who were not looking for me. I showed myself to those who were not asking for me."
- But regarding Israel, God said, "All day long I opened my arms to them, but they kept disobeying me and arguing with me."
Mark 14:61
- Jesus made no reply. Then the high priest asked him, "Are you the Messiah, the Son of the blessed God?"
- Jesus said, "I am, and you will see me, the Son of Man, sitting at God's right hand in the place of power and coming back on the clouds of heaven."
Matthew 20:15
- Is it against the law for me to do what I want with my money? Should you be angry because I am kind?'
Matthew 26:63
- But Jesus remained silent. Then the high priest said to him, "I demand in the name of the living God that you tell us whether you are the Messiah, the Son of God."
- Jesus replied, "Yes, it is as you say. And in the future you will see me, the Son of Man, sitting at God's right hand in the place of power and coming back on the clouds of heaven."
Luke 13:30
- And note this: Some who are despised now will be greatly honored then; and some who are greatly honored now will be despised then. "
John 8:24
- That is why I said that you will die in your sins; for unless you believe that I am who I say I am, you will die in your sins."
John 9:35
- When Jesus heard what had happened, he found the man and said, "Do you believe in the Son of Man?"
- The man answered, "Who is he, sir, because I would like to."
- "You have seen him," Jesus said, "and he is speaking to you!"
Matthew 16:20
- Then he sternly warned them not to tell anyone that he was the Messiah.