Job 8:6 Cross References
Job 8:6
6: if you are pure and live with complete integrity, he will rise up and restore your happy home.
Proverbs 15:8
- The LORD hates the sacrifice of the wicked, but he delights in the prayers of the upright.
1 John 3:19
- It is by our actions that we know we are living in the truth, so we will be confident when we stand before the Lord,
- even if our hearts condemn us. For God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything.
- Dear friends, if our conscience is clear, we can come to God with bold confidence.
- And we will receive whatever we request because we obey him and do the things that please him.
Psalms 7:6
- Arise, O LORD, in anger! Stand up against the fury of my enemies! Wake up, my God, and bring justice!
Job 5:24
- You will know that your home is kept safe. When you visit your pastures, nothing will be missing.
Job 22:23
- If you return to the Almighty and clean up your life, you will be restored.
- Give up your lust for money, and throw your precious gold into the river.
- Then the Almighty himself will be your treasure. He will be your precious silver!
- "Then you will delight yourself in the Almighty and look up to God.
- You will pray to him, and he will hear you, and you will fulfill your vows to him.
Psalms 59:4
- Despite my innocence, they prepare to kill me. Rise up and help me! Look on my plight!
- O LORD God Almighty, the God of Israel, rise up to punish hostile nations. Show no mercy to wicked traitors.
1 Timothy 2:8
- So wherever you assemble, I want men to pray with holy hands lifted up to God, free from anger and controversy.
Isaiah 1:15
- From now on, when you lift up your hands in prayer, I will refuse to look. Even though you offer many prayers, I will not listen. For your hands are covered with the blood of your innocent victims.
Job 4:6
- Does your reverence for God give you no confidence? Shouldn't you believe that God will care for those who are upright?
- "Stop and think! Does the innocent person perish? When has the upright person been destroyed?
Isaiah 3:10
- But all will be well for those who are godly. Tell them, "You will receive a wonderful reward!"
Job 21:14
- All this, even though they say to God, `Go away. We want no part of you and your ways.
- Who is the Almighty, and why should we obey him? What good will it do us if we pray?'
Psalms 26:5
- I hate the gatherings of those who do evil, and I refuse to join in with the wicked.
- I wash my hands to declare my innocence. I come to your altar, O LORD,
Isaiah 51:9
- Wake up, LORD! Robe yourself with strength! Rouse yourself as in the days of old when you slew Egypt, the dragon of the Nile.
Job 16:17
- Yet I am innocent, and my prayer is pure.
Psalms 44:23
- Wake up, O Lord! Why do you sleep? Get up! Do not reject us forever.
Job 1:8
- Then the LORD asked Satan, "Have you noticed my servant Job? He is the finest man in all the earth--a man of complete integrity. He fears God and will have nothing to do with evil."