Job 39:21 Cross References
Job 39:21
21: It paws the earth and rejoices in its strength. When it charges to war,
Jeremiah 8:6
- I listen to their conversations, and what do I hear? Is anyone sorry for sin? Does anyone say, "What a terrible thing I have done"? No! All are running down the path of sin as swiftly as a horse rushing into battle!
Proverbs 21:31
- The horses are prepared for battle, but the victory belongs to the LORD.
1 Samuel 17:42
- sneering in contempt at this ruddy-faced boy.
Psalms 19:5
- It bursts forth like a radiant bridegroom after his wedding. It rejoices like a great athlete eager to run the race.
1 Samuel 17:4
- Then Goliath, a Philistine champion from Gath, came out of the Philistine ranks to face the forces of Israel. He was a giant of a man, measuring over nine feet tall!
- He wore a bronze helmet and a coat of mail that weighed 125 pounds.
- He also wore bronze leggings, and he slung a bronze javelin over his back.
- The shaft of his spear was as heavy and thick as a weaver's beam, tipped with an iron spearhead that weighed fifteen pounds. An armor bearer walked ahead of him carrying a huge shield.
- Goliath stood and shouted across to the Israelites, "Do you need a whole army to settle this? Choose someone to fight for you, and I will represent the Philistines. We will settle this dispute in single combat!
Jeremiah 9:23
- This is what the LORD says: "Let not the wise man gloat in his wisdom, or the mighty man in his might, or the rich man in his riches.
Judges 5:22
- Then the horses' hooves hammered the ground, the galloping, galloping of Sisera's mighty steeds.