Job 32:6 Cross References
Job 32:6
6: Elihu son of Barakel the Buzite said, "I am young and you are old, so I held back and did not dare to tell you what I think.
Job 15:10
- On our side are aged, gray-haired men much older than your father!
1 Timothy 5:1
- Never speak harshly to an older man, but appeal to him respectfully as though he were your own father. Talk to the younger men as you would to your own brothers.
1 Peter 5:5
- You younger men, accept the authority of the elders. And all of you, serve each other in humility, for "God sets himself against the proud, but he shows favor to the humble."
1 Samuel 17:28
- But when David's oldest brother, Eliab, heard David talking to the men, he was angry. "What are you doing around here anyway?" he demanded. "What about those few sheep you're supposed to be taking care of? I know about your pride and dishonesty. You just want to see the battle!"
- "What have I done now?" David replied. "I was only asking a question!"
- He walked over to some others and asked them the same thing and received the same answer.
Leviticus 19:32
- "Show your fear of God by standing up in the presence of elderly people and showing respect for the aged. I am the LORD.
Titus 2:6
- In the same way, encourage the young men to live wisely in all they do.
Romans 13:7
- Give to everyone what you owe them: Pay your taxes and import duties, and give respect and honor to all to whom it is due.
Job 15:7
- "Were you the first person ever born? Were you born before the hills were made?