Job 13:3 Cross References
Job 13:3
3: Oh, how I long to speak directly to the Almighty. I want to argue my case with God himself.
Isaiah 41:21
- "Can your idols make such claims as these? Let them come and show what they can do!" says the LORD, the King of Israel.
Job 13:22
- Now summon me, and I will answer! Or let me speak to you, and you reply.
Job 31:35
- "If only I had someone who would listen to me and try to see my side! Look, I will sign my name to my defense. Let the Almighty show me that I am wrong. Let my accuser write out the charges against me.
Job 9:3
- If someone wanted to take God to court, would it be possible to answer him even once in a thousand times?
Isaiah 1:18
- "Come now, let us argue this out," says the LORD. "No matter how deep the stain of your sins, I can remove it. I can make you as clean as freshly fallen snow. Even if you are stained as red as crimson, I can make you as white as wool.
- If you will only obey me and let me help you, then you will have plenty to eat.
- But if you keep turning away and refusing to listen, you will be destroyed by your enemies. I, the LORD, have spoken!"
Job 11:5
- If only God would speak; if only he would tell you what he thinks!
Job 13:15
- God might kill me, but I cannot wait. I am going to argue my case with him.
Job 9:14
- "And who am I, that I should try to answer God or even reason with him?
- Even if I were innocent, I would have no defense. I could only plead for mercy.
Micah 6:2
- "And now, O mountains, listen to the LORD's complaint! He has a case against his people Israel! He will prosecute them to the full extent of the law.
Jeremiah 12:1
- LORD, you always give me justice when I bring a case before you. Now let me bring you this complaint: Why are the wicked so prosperous? Why are evil people so happy?
- You have planted them, and they have taken root and prospered. Your name is on their lips, but in their hearts they give you no credit at all.
Job 23:3
- If only I knew where to find God, I would go to his throne and talk with him there.
- I would lay out my case and present my arguments.
- Then I would listen to his reply and understand what he says to me.
- Would he merely argue with me in his greatness? No, he would give me a fair hearing.
- Fair and honest people can reason with him, so I would be acquitted by my Judge.
Job 9:34
- The mediator could make God stop beating me, and I would no longer live in terror of his punishment.
- Then I could speak to him without fear, but I cannot do that in my own strength.