Jeremiah 8:19 Cross References
Jeremiah 8:19
19: Listen to the weeping of my people; it can be heard all across the land. "Has the LORD abandoned Jerusalem?" the people ask. "Is her King no longer there?Oh, why have they angered me with their carved idols and worthless gods?" asks the LORD.
Isaiah 39:3
- Then Isaiah the prophet went to King Hezekiah and asked him, "What did those men want? Where were they from?" Hezekiah replied, "They came from the distant land of Babylon."
Isaiah 13:5
- They came from countries far away. They are the LORD's weapons; they carry his anger with them and will destroy the whole land.
Isaiah 52:1
- Wake up, wake up, O Zion! Clothe yourselves with strength. Put on your beautiful clothes, O holy city of Jerusalem, for unclean and godless people will no longer enter your gates.
Revelation 2:1
- "Write this letter to the angel of the church in Ephesus. This is the message from the one who holds the seven stars in his right hand, the one who walks among the seven gold lampstands:
Jeremiah 8:5
- Then why do these people keep going along their self-destructive path, refusing to turn back, even though I have warned them?
- I listen to their conversations, and what do I hear? Is anyone sorry for sin? Does anyone say, "What a terrible thing I have done"? No! All are running down the path of sin as swiftly as a horse rushing into battle!
Deuteronomy 32:16
- They stirred up his jealousy by worshiping foreign gods; they provoked his fury with detestable acts.
- They offered sacrifices to demons, non-gods, to gods they had not known before, to gods only recently arrived, to gods their ancestors had never feared.
- You neglected the Rock who had fathered you; you forgot the God who had given you birth.
- "The LORD saw this and was filled with loathing. He was provoked to anger by his own sons and daughters.
- He said, `I will abandon them; I will see to their end! For they are a twisted generation, children without integrity.
Psalms 149:2
- O Israel, rejoice in your Maker. O people of Jerusalem, exult in your King.
Joel 2:32
- And anyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved. There will be people on Mount Zion in Jerusalem who escape, just as the LORD has said. These will be among the survivors whom the LORD has called.
Jeremiah 4:16
- "Warn the surrounding nations and announce to Jerusalem: `The enemy is coming from a distant land, raising a battle cry against the towns of Judah.
- They surround Jerusalem like watchmen surrounding a field, for my people have rebelled against me,'" says the LORD.
Psalms 135:21
- The LORD be praised from Zion, for he lives here in Jerusalem. Praise the LORD!
Jeremiah 31:6
- The day will come when watchmen will shout from the hill country of Ephraim, `Come, let us go up to Jerusalem to worship the LORD our God.'"
Obadiah 1:17
- "But Jerusalem will become a refuge for those who escape; it will be a holy place. And the people of Israel will come back to reclaim their inheritance.
Jeremiah 14:19
- LORD, have you completely rejected Judah? Do you really hate Jerusalem? Why have you wounded us past all hope of healing? We hoped for peace, but no peace came. We hoped for a time of healing but found only terror.
Psalms 146:10
- The LORD will reign forever. O Jerusalem, your God is King in every generation! Praise the LORD!
Joel 3:21
- I will pardon my people's crimes, which I have not yet pardoned; and I, the LORD, will make my home in Jerusalem with my people."
Isaiah 33:22
- For the LORD is our judge, our lawgiver, and our king. He will care for us and save us.
Isaiah 1:4
- Oh, what a sinful nation they are! They are loaded down with a burden of guilt. They are evil and corrupt children who have turned away from the LORD. They have despised the Holy One of Israel, cutting themselves off from his help.
Isaiah 12:6
- Let all the people of Jerusalem shout his praise with joy! For great is the Holy One of Israel who lives among you."
Jeremiah 4:30
- What are you doing, you who have been plundered? Why do you dress up in your most beautiful clothing and jewelry? Why do you brighten your eyes with mascara? It will do you no good! Your allies despise you and will kill you.
- I hear a great cry, like that of a woman giving birth to her first child. It is the cry of Jerusalem's people gasping for breath, pleading for help, prostrate before their murderers.
Jeremiah 9:16
- I will scatter them around the world, and they will be strangers in distant lands. Their enemies will chase them with the sword until I have destroyed them completely."