Jeremiah 7:28 Cross References
Jeremiah 7:28
28: Say to them, `This is the nation whose people will not obey the LORD their God and who refuse to be taught. Truth has vanished from among them; it is no longer heard on their lips.
Isaiah 59:14
- Our courts oppose people who are righteous, and justice is nowhere to be found. Truth falls dead in the streets, and fairness has been outlawed.
- Yes, truth is gone, and anyone who tries to live a godly life is soon attacked. The LORD looked and was displeased to find that there was no justice.
Proverbs 1:7
- Fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge. Only fools despise wisdom and discipline.
Jeremiah 5:3
- LORD, you are searching for honesty. You struck your people, but they paid no attention. You crushed them, but they refused to turn from sin. They are determined, with faces set like stone; they have refused to repent.
Zephaniah 3:2
- It proudly refuses to listen even to the voice of the LORD. No one can tell it anything; it refuses all correction. It does not trust in the LORD or draw near to its God.
Jeremiah 32:33
- My people have turned their backs on me and have refused to return. Day after day, year after year, I taught them right from wrong, but they would not listen or obey.
Isaiah 1:4
- Oh, what a sinful nation they are! They are loaded down with a burden of guilt. They are evil and corrupt children who have turned away from the LORD. They have despised the Holy One of Israel, cutting themselves off from his help.
- Why do you continue to invite punishment? Must you rebel forever? Your head is injured, and your heart is sick.
Zephaniah 3:7
- I thought, `Surely they will have reverence for me now! Surely they will listen to my warnings, so I won't need to strike again.' But no; however much I punish them, they continue their evil practices from dawn till dusk and dusk till dawn."
Jeremiah 6:8
- This is your last warning, Jerusalem! If you do not listen, I will empty the land."
Hosea 4:1
- Hear the word of the LORD, O people of Israel! The LORD has filed a lawsuit against you, saying: "There is no faithfulness, no kindness, no knowledge of God in your land.
Micah 7:2
- The godly people have all disappeared; not one fair-minded person is left on the earth. They are all murderers, even setting traps for their own brothers.
- They go about their evil deeds with both hands. How skilled they are at using them! Officials and judges alike demand bribes. The people with money and influence pay them off, and together they scheme to twist justice.
- Even the best of them is like a brier; the straightest is more crooked than a hedge of thorns. But your judgment day is coming swiftly now. Your time of punishment is here.
- Don't trust anyone--not your best friend or even your wife!
Psalms 50:17
- For you refuse my discipline and treat my laws like trash.
Jeremiah 2:30
- I have punished your children, but it did them no good. They still refuse to obey. You yourselves have killed your prophets as a lion kills its prey.
Jeremiah 6:29
- The bellows blow fiercely. The refining fire grows hotter. But it will never purify and cleanse them because there is no purity in them to refine.
- I will label them `Rejected Silver' because I, the LORD, am discarding them."
Jeremiah 5:1
- "Run up and down every street in Jerusalem," says the LORD. "Look high and low; search throughout the city! If you can find even one person who is just and honest, I will not destroy the city.
Jeremiah 9:3
- "My people bend their tongues like bows to shoot lies. They refuse to stand up for the truth. And they only go from bad to worse! They care nothing for me," says the LORD.
- "Beware of your neighbor! Beware of your brother! They all take advantage of one another and spread their slanderous lies.
- They all fool and defraud each other; no one tells the truth. With practiced tongues they tell lies; they wear themselves out with all their sinning.
- They pile lie upon lie and utterly refuse to come to me," says the LORD.
- Therefore, the LORD Almighty says, "See, I will melt them in a crucible and test them like metal. What else can I do with them?