Jeremiah 51:55 Cross References
Jeremiah 51:55
55: For the LORD is destroying Babylon. He will silence her. Waves of enemies pound against her; the noise of battle rings through the city.
Jeremiah 25:10
- I will take away your happy singing and laughter. The joyful voices of bridegrooms and brides will no longer be heard. Your businesses will fail, and all your homes will stand silent and dark.
Isaiah 47:5
- "O daughter of Babylonia, sit now in darkness and silence. Never again will you be known as the queen of kingdoms.
Psalms 65:7
- You quieted the raging oceans with their pounding waves and silenced the shouting of the nations.
Isaiah 17:13
- But though they roar like breakers on a beach, God will silence them. They will flee like chaff scattered by the wind or like dust whirling before a storm.
Isaiah 24:8
- The clash of tambourines will be stilled; the happy cries of celebration will be heard no more. The melodious chords of the harp will be silent.
- Gone are the joys of wine and song; strong drink now turns bitter in the mouth.
- The city writhes in chaos; every home is locked to keep out looters.
- Mobs gather in the streets, crying out for wine. Joy has reached its lowest ebb. Gladness has been banished from the land.
Jeremiah 50:10
- Babylonia will be plundered until the attackers are glutted with plunder," says the LORD.
- "You rejoice and are glad, you plunderers of my chosen people. You frisk about like a calf in a meadow and neigh like a stallion.
- But your homeland will be overwhelmed with shame and disgrace. You will become the least of nations--a wilderness, a dry and desolate land.
- Because of the LORD's anger, Babylon will become a deserted wasteland. All who pass by will be horrified and will gasp at the destruction they see there.
- "Yes, prepare to attack Babylon, all you nations round about. Let your archers shoot at her. Spare no arrows, for she has sinned against the LORD.
Revelation 17:15
- And the angel said to me, "The waters where the prostitute is sitting represent masses of people of every nation and language.
Psalms 93:3
- The mighty oceans have roared, O LORD. The mighty oceans roar like thunder; the mighty oceans roar as they pound the shore.
- But mightier than the violent raging of the seas, mightier than the breakers on the shore--the LORD above is mightier than these!
Isaiah 15:1
- This message came to me concerning Moab: In one night your cities of Ar and Kir will be destroyed.
Ezekiel 26:3
- "Therefore, this is what the Sovereign LORD says: I am your enemy, O Tyre, and I will bring many nations against you, like the waves of the sea crashing against your shoreline.
Revelation 18:22
- Never again will the sound of music be heard there--no more harps, songs, flutes, or trumpets. There will be no industry of any kind, and no more milling of grain.
- Her nights will be dark, without a single lamp. There will be no happy voices of brides and grooms. This will happen because her merchants, who were the greatest in the world, deceived the nations with her sorceries.
Psalms 18:4
- The ropes of death surrounded me; the floods of destruction swept over me.
Luke 21:25
- "And there will be strange events in the skies--signs in the sun, moon, and stars. And down here on earth the nations will be in turmoil, perplexed by the roaring seas and strange tides.
Jeremiah 51:38
- "In their drunken feasts, the people of Babylon roar like lions.
- And while they lie inflamed with all their wine, I will prepare a different kind of feast for them. I will make them drink until they fall asleep, never again to waken," says the LORD.
Jeremiah 51:42
- The sea has risen over Babylon; she is covered by its waves.