Jeremiah 50:36 Cross References
Jeremiah 50:36
36: And when it strikes her wise counselors, they will become fools! When it strikes her mightiest warriors, panic will seize them!
Jeremiah 49:22
- The enemy will come as swiftly as an eagle, and he will spread his wings against Bozrah. Even the mightiest warriors will be as frightened as a woman about to give birth.
Isaiah 44:25
- I am the one who exposes the false prophets as liars by causing events to happen that are contrary to their predictions. I cause wise people to give bad advice, thus proving them to be fools.
Nahum 3:13
- Your troops will be as weak and helpless as women. The gates of your land will be opened wide to the enemy and set on fire and burned.
Nahum 3:17
- Your princes and officials are also like locusts, crowding together in the hedges to survive the cold. But like locusts that fly away when the sun comes up to warm the earth, all of them will fly away and disappear.
- O Assyrian king, your princes lie dead in the dust. Your people are scattered across the mountains. There is no longer a shepherd to gather them together.
Jeremiah 51:23
- With you I will shatter shepherds and flocks, farmers and oxen, captains and rulers.
Nahum 2:8
- Nineveh is like a leaking water reservoir! The people are slipping away. "Stop, stop!" someone shouts, but the people just keep on running.
1 Timothy 4:2
- These teachers are hypocrites and liars. They pretend to be religious, but their consciences are dead.
2 Thessalonians 2:9
- This evil man will come to do the work of Satan with counterfeit power and signs and miracles.
- He will use every kind of wicked deception to fool those who are on their way to destruction because they refuse to believe the truth that would save them.
- So God will send great deception upon them, and they will believe all these lies.
Nahum 3:7
- All who see you will shrink back in horror and say, `Nineveh lies in utter ruin.' Yet no one anywhere will regret your destruction."
Revelation 21:8
- But cowards who turn away from me, and unbelievers, and the corrupt, and murderers, and the immoral, and those who practice witchcraft, and idol worshipers, and all liars--their doom is in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur. This is the second death."
Revelation 22:15
- Outside the city are the dogs--the sorcerers, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idol worshipers, and all who love to live a lie.
Jeremiah 51:32
- All the escape routes are blocked. The fortifications are burning, and the army is in panic.
Jeremiah 50:30
- Her young men will fall in the streets and die. Her warriors will all be killed," says the LORD.
Isaiah 43:14
- The LORD your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel, says: "For your sakes I will send an invading army against Babylon. And the Babylonians will be forced to flee in those ships they are so proud of.
Revelation 19:20
- And the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who did mighty miracles on behalf of the beast--miracles that deceived all who had accepted the mark of the beast and who worshiped his statue. Both the beast and his false prophet were thrown alive into the lake of fire that burns with sulfur.
Isaiah 47:10
- "You felt secure in all your wickedness. `No one sees me,' you said. Your `wisdom' and `knowledge' have caused you to turn away from me and claim, `I am self-sufficient and not accountable to anyone!'
- So disaster will overtake you suddenly, and you won't be able to charm it away. Calamity will fall upon you, and you won't be able to buy your way out. A catastrophe will arise so fast that you won't know what hit you.
- "Call out the demon hordes you have worshiped all these years. Ask them to help you strike terror into the hearts of people once again.
- You have more than enough advisers, astrologers, and stargazers. Let them stand up and save you from what the future holds.
- But they are as useless as dried grass burning in a fire. They cannot even save themselves! You will get no help from them at all. Their hearth is not a place to sit for warmth.
2 Samuel 17:14
- Then Absalom and all the leaders of Israel said, "Hushai's advice is better than Ahithophel's." For the LORD had arranged to defeat the counsel of Ahithophel, which really was the better plan, so that he could bring disaster upon Absalom!
Jeremiah 51:30
- Her mightiest warriors no longer fight. They stay in their barracks. Their courage is gone. They have become as fearful as women. The invaders have burned the houses and broken down the city gates.
2 Chronicles 25:16
- But the king interrupted him and said, "Since when have I asked your advice? Be quiet now before I have you killed!" So the prophet left with this warning: "I know that God has determined to destroy you because you have done this and have not accepted my counsel."
Jeremiah 48:30
- I know about her insolence," says the LORD, "but her boasts are false; they accomplish nothing.
2 Samuel 15:31
- When someone told David that his adviser Ahithophel was now backing Absalom, David prayed, "O LORD, let Ahithophel give Absalom foolish advice!"
1 Timothy 6:4
- Anyone who teaches anything different is both conceited and ignorant. Such a person has an unhealthy desire to quibble over the meaning of words. This stirs up arguments ending in jealousy, fighting, slander, and evil suspicions.