Jeremiah 50:34 Cross References
Jeremiah 50:34
34: But the one who redeems them is strong. His name is the LORD Almighty. He will defend them and give them rest again in Israel. But the people of Babylon--there will be no rest for them!
Isaiah 54:5
- for your Creator will be your husband. The LORD Almighty is his name! He is your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel, the God of all the earth.
Isaiah 47:4
- Our Redeemer, whose name is the LORD Almighty, is the Holy One of Israel.
Jeremiah 15:21
- Yes, I will certainly keep you safe from these wicked men. I will rescue you from their cruel hands."
Jeremiah 51:36
- The LORD says to Jerusalem, "I will be your lawyer to plead your case, and I will avenge you. I will dry up her river, her water supply,
Isaiah 41:14
- Despised though you are, O Israel, don't be afraid, for I will help you. I am the LORD, your Redeemer. I am the Holy One of Israel.'
Isaiah 43:14
- The LORD your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel, says: "For your sakes I will send an invading army against Babylon. And the Babylonians will be forced to flee in those ships they are so proud of.
Micah 7:9
- I will be patient as the LORD punishes me, for I have sinned against him. But after that, he will take up my case and punish my enemies for all the evil they have done to me. The LORD will bring me out of my darkness into the light, and I will see his righteousness.
Psalms 43:1
- O God, take up my cause! Defend me against these ungodly people. Rescue me from these unjust liars.
Isaiah 44:6
- "This is what the LORD, Israel's King and Redeemer, the LORD Almighty, says: I am the First and the Last; there is no other God.
Proverbs 23:11
- for their Redeemer is strong. He himself will bring their charges against you.
Proverbs 22:23
- For the LORD is their defender. He will injure anyone who injures them.
Isaiah 14:3
- In that wonderful day when the LORD gives his people rest from sorrow and fear, from slavery and chains,
- you will taunt the king of Babylon. You will say, "The mighty man has been destroyed. Yes, your insolence is ended.
- For the LORD has crushed your wicked power and broken your evil rule.
- You persecuted the people with unceasing blows of rage and held the nations in your angry grip. Your tyranny was unrestrained.
- But at last the land is at rest and is quiet. Finally it can sing again!
Isaiah 51:22
- This is what the Sovereign LORD, your God and Defender, says: "See, I am taking the terrible cup from your hands. You will drink no more of my fury. It is gone at last!
Psalms 35:1
- O LORD, oppose those who oppose me. Declare war on those who are attacking me.
Revelation 18:8
- Therefore, the sorrows of death and mourning and famine will overtake her in a single day. She will be utterly consumed by fire, for the Lord God who judges her is mighty."
Micah 4:10
- Writhe and groan in terrible pain, you people of Jerusalem, for you must leave this city to live in the open fields. You will soon be sent into exile in distant Babylon. But the LORD will rescue you there; he will redeem you from the grip of your enemies.
2 Thessalonians 1:6
- and in his justice he will punish those who persecute you.
- And God will provide rest for you who are being persecuted and also for us when the Lord Jesus appears from heaven. He will come with his mighty angels,
Jeremiah 51:19
- But the God of Israel is no idol! He is the Creator of everything that exists, including his people, his own special possession. The LORD Almighty is his name!
Isaiah 44:23
- Sing, O heavens, for the LORD has done this wondrous thing. Shout, O earth! Break forth into song, O mountains and forests and every tree! For the LORD has redeemed Jacob and is glorified in Israel.
- The LORD, your Redeemer and Creator, says: "I am the LORD, who made all things. I alone stretched out the heavens. By myself I made the earth and everything in it.
Exodus 6:6
- "Therefore, say to the Israelites: `I am the LORD, and I will free you from your slavery in Egypt. I will redeem you with mighty power and great acts of judgment.
Revelation 19:1
- After this, I heard the sound of a vast crowd in heaven shouting, "Hallelujah! Salvation is from our God. Glory and power belong to him alone.
- His judgments are just and true. He has punished the great prostitute who corrupted the earth with her immorality, and he has avenged the murder of his servants."
- Again and again their voices rang, "Hallelujah! The smoke from that city ascends forever and forever!"