Jeremiah 49:14 Cross References
Jeremiah 49:14
14: I have heard a message from the LORD that an ambassador was sent to the nations to say, "Form a coalition against Edom, and prepare for battle!"
Isaiah 30:4
- For though his power extends to Zoan and Hanes,
Matthew 24:6
- And wars will break out near and far, but don't panic. Yes, these things must come, but the end won't follow immediately.
Isaiah 37:7
- Listen! I myself will make sure that the king will receive a report from Assyria telling him that he is needed at home. Then I will make him want to return to his land, where I will have him killed with a sword.'"
Isaiah 18:2
- and ambassadors are sent in fast boats down the Nile. Go home, swift messengers! Take a message to your land divided by rivers, to your tall, smooth-skinned people, who are feared far and wide for their conquests and destruction.
- When I raise my battle flag on the mountain, let all the world take notice. When I blow the trumpet, listen!
Isaiah 13:2
- "See the flags waving as the enemy attacks. Cheer them on, O Israel! Wave to them as they march against Babylon to destroy the palaces of the high and mighty.
- I, the LORD, have assigned this task to these armies, and they will rejoice when I am exalted. I have called them to satisfy my anger."
Jeremiah 51:27
- Signal many nations to mobilize for war against Babylon. Sound the battle cry! Bring out the armies of Ararat, Minni, and Ashkenaz. Appoint a leader, and bring a multitude of horses!
- Bring against her the armies of the kings of the Medes and their generals, and the armies of all the countries they rule.
Jeremiah 50:9
- For look, I am raising up an army of great nations from the north. I will bring them against Babylon to attack her, and she will be captured. The enemies' arrows will go straight to the mark; they will not miss!
- Babylonia will be plundered until the attackers are glutted with plunder," says the LORD.
- "You rejoice and are glad, you plunderers of my chosen people. You frisk about like a calf in a meadow and neigh like a stallion.
- But your homeland will be overwhelmed with shame and disgrace. You will become the least of nations--a wilderness, a dry and desolate land.
- Because of the LORD's anger, Babylon will become a deserted wasteland. All who pass by will be horrified and will gasp at the destruction they see there.
Obadiah 1:1
- This is the vision that the Sovereign LORD revealed to Obadiah concerning the land of Edom. We have heard a message from the LORD that an ambassador was sent to the nations to say, "Get ready, everyone! Let's assemble our armies and attack Edom!"
- The LORD says, "I will cut you down to size among the nations, Edom; you will be small and despised.
- You are proud because you live in a rock fortress and make your home high in the mountains. `Who can ever reach us way up here?' you ask boastfully. Don't fool yourselves!
- Though you soar as high as eagles and build your nest among the stars, I will bring you crashing down. I, the LORD, have spoken!
Ezekiel 7:25
- Terror and trembling will overcome my people. They will look for peace but will not find it.
- Calamity will follow calamity; rumor will follow rumor. They will look in vain for a vision from the prophets. They will receive no teaching from the priests and no counsel from the leaders.
Jeremiah 51:46
- But do not panic when you hear the first rumor of approaching forces. For rumors will keep coming year by year. Then there will be a time of violence as the leaders fight against each other.
Jeremiah 51:11
- Sharpen the arrows! Lift up the shields! For the LORD has stirred up the spirit of the kings of the Medes to march against Babylon and destroy her. This is his vengeance against those who desecrated his Temple.