Jeremiah 48:26 Cross References
Jeremiah 48:26
26: "Let her stagger and fall like a drunkard, for she has rebelled against the LORD. Moab will wallow in her own vomit, ridiculed by all.
Jeremiah 51:39
- And while they lie inflamed with all their wine, I will prepare a different kind of feast for them. I will make them drink until they fall asleep, never again to waken," says the LORD.
Isaiah 19:14
- The LORD has sent a spirit of foolishness on them, so all their suggestions are wrong. They cause the land of Egypt to stagger like a sick drunkard.
Isaiah 29:9
- Are you amazed and incredulous? Do you not believe it? Then go ahead and be blind if you must. You are stupid, but not from wine! You stagger, but not from beer!
Jeremiah 48:42
- Moab will no longer be a nation, for she has boasted against the LORD.
Jeremiah 51:7
- Babylon has been like a golden cup in the LORD's hands, a cup from which he made the whole earth drink and go mad.
Exodus 5:2
- "Is that so?" retorted Pharaoh. "And who is the LORD that I should listen to him and let Israel go? I don't know the LORD, and I will not let Israel go."
Daniel 5:23
- For you have defied the Lord of heaven and have had these cups from his Temple brought before you. You and your nobles and your wives and concubines have been drinking wine from them while praising gods of silver, gold, bronze, iron, wood, and stone--gods that neither see nor hear nor know anything at all. But you have not honored the God who gives you the breath of life and controls your destiny!
Lamentations 4:21
- Are you rejoicing in the land of Uz, O people of Edom? But you, too, must drink from the cup of the LORD's anger. You, too, will be stripped naked in your drunkenness.
Jeremiah 48:39
- How it is broken! Hear the wailing! See the shame of Moab! She has become an object of ridicule, an example of ruin to all her neighbors.
Zephaniah 2:8
- "I have heard the taunts of the people of Moab and Ammon, mocking my people and invading their borders.
- Now, as surely as I live," says the LORD Almighty, the God of Israel, "Moab and Ammon will be destroyed as completely as Sodom and Gomorrah. Their land will become a place of stinging nettles, salt pits, and eternal desolation. Those of my people who are left will plunder them and take their land."
- They will receive the wages of their pride, for they have scoffed at the people of the LORD Almighty.
Psalms 75:8
- For the LORD holds a cup in his hand; it is full of foaming wine mixed with spices. He pours the wine out in judgment, and all the wicked must drink it, draining it to the dregs.
Nahum 3:11
- And you, Nineveh, will also stagger like a drunkard. You will hide for fear of the attacking enemy.
Isaiah 63:6
- I crushed the nations in my anger and made them stagger and fall to the ground."
Ezekiel 35:12
- Then you will know that I, the LORD, have heard every contemptuous word you spoke against the mountains of Israel. For you said, `They have been destroyed; they have been given to us as food to eat!'
- In saying that, you boasted proudly against me, and I have heard it all!
Lamentations 3:15
- He has filled me with bitterness. He has given me a cup of deep sorrow to drink.
Jeremiah 13:13
- Then tell them, `No, this is what the LORD means: I will make everyone in this land so confused that they will seem drunk--from the king sitting on David's throne and from the priests and the prophets, right on down to the common people.
- I will smash them one against the other, even parents against children, says the LORD. I will not let my pity or mercy or compassion keep me from destroying them.'"
Jeremiah 25:27
- Then the LORD said to me, "Now tell them, `The LORD Almighty, the God of Israel, says: Drink from this cup of my anger. Get drunk and vomit, and you will fall to rise no more, for I am sending terrible wars against you.'
- And if they refuse to accept the cup, tell them, `The LORD Almighty says: You must drink from it. You cannot escape!
- I have begun to punish Jerusalem, the city where my own name is honored. Now should I let you go unpunished? No, you will not escape disaster. I will call for war against all the nations of the earth. I, the LORD Almighty, have spoken!'
Daniel 8:11
- He even challenged the Commander of heaven's armies by canceling the daily sacrifices offered to him and by destroying his Temple.
- But the army of heaven was restrained from destroying him for this sin. As a result, sacrilege was committed against the Temple ceremonies, and truth was overthrown. The horn succeeded in everything it did.
Psalms 60:3
- You have been very hard on us, making us drink wine that sent us reeling.
Lamentations 1:21
- "Others heard my groans, but no one turned to comfort me. When my enemies heard of my troubles, they were happy to see what you had done. Oh, bring the day you promised, when you will destroy them as you have destroyed me.
Isaiah 10:15
- Can the ax boast greater power than the person who uses it? Is the saw greater than the person who saws? Can a whip strike unless a hand is moving it? Can a cane walk by itself?
Habakkuk 2:16
- But soon it will be your turn! Come, drink and be exposed! Drink from the cup of the LORD's judgment, and all your glory will be turned to shame.
2 Thessalonians 2:4
- He will exalt himself and defy every god there is and tear down every object of adoration and worship. He will position himself in the temple of God, claiming that he himself is God.
Jeremiah 51:57
- "I will make drunk her officials, wise men, rulers, captains, and warriors," says the King, whose name is the LORD Almighty. "They will fall asleep and never wake up again!"
Jeremiah 25:15
- Then the LORD, the God of Israel, said to me, "Take from my hand this cup filled to the brim with my anger, and make all the nations to whom I send you drink from it.
- When they drink from it, they will stagger, crazed by the warfare I will send against them."
- So I took the cup of anger from the LORD and made all the nations drink from it--every nation the LORD sent me to.
Psalms 2:4
- But the one who rules in heaven laughs. The Lord scoffs at them.
Psalms 59:8
- But LORD, you laugh at them. You scoff at all the hostile nations.
Isaiah 51:17
- Wake up, wake up, O Jerusalem! You have drunk enough from the cup of the LORD's fury. You have drunk the cup of terror, tipping out its last drops.
Revelation 16:19
- The great city of Babylon split into three pieces, and cities around the world fell into heaps of rubble. And so God remembered all of Babylon's sins, and he made her drink the cup that was filled with the wine of his fierce wrath.
Job 9:4
- For God is so wise and so mighty. Who has ever challenged him successfully?
Ezekiel 23:31
- Because you have followed in your sister's footsteps, I will punish you with the same terrors that destroyed her.
- "Yes, this is what the Sovereign LORD says: You will drink from the same cup of terror as your sister--a cup that is large and deep. And all the world will mock and scorn you in your desolation.
- You will reel like a drunkard beneath the awful blows of sorrow and distress, just as your sister Samaria did.
- In deep anguish you will drain that cup of terror to the very bottom. Then you will smash it to pieces and beat your breast in anguish. For I, the Sovereign LORD, have spoken!
Exodus 9:17
- But you are still lording it over my people, and you refuse to let them go.
Daniel 11:36
- "The king will do as he pleases, exalting himself and claiming to be greater than every god there is, even blaspheming the God of gods. He will succeed--until the time of wrath is completed. For what has been determined will surely take place.