Jeremiah 48:16 Cross References
Jeremiah 48:16
16: "Calamity is coming fast to Moab; it threatens ominously.
Isaiah 13:22
- Hyenas will howl in its fortresses, and jackals will make their dens in its palaces. Babylon's days are numbered; its time of destruction will soon arrive.
Deuteronomy 32:35
- I will take vengeance; I will repay those who deserve it. In due time their feet will slip. Their day of disaster will arrive, and their destiny will overtake them.'
Ezekiel 12:28
- Therefore, give them this message from the Sovereign LORD: No more delay! I will now do everything I have threatened! I, the Sovereign LORD, have spoken!"
2 Peter 2:3
- In their greed they will make up clever lies to get hold of your money. But God condemned them long ago, and their destruction is on the way.
Jeremiah 1:12
- And the LORD said, "That's right, and it means that I am watching, and I will surely carry out my threats of punishment."
Ezekiel 12:23
- Give the people this message from the Sovereign LORD: I will put an end to this proverb, and you will soon stop quoting it. Now give them this new proverb to replace the old one: `The time has come for every prophecy to be fulfilled!'
Isaiah 16:13
- The LORD has already said this about Moab in the past.
- But now the LORD says, "Within three years, without fail, the glory of Moab will be ended, and few of its people will be left alive."