Jeremiah 42:22 Cross References
Jeremiah 42:22
22: So you can be sure that you will die from war, famine, and disease in Egypt, where you insist on going."
Jeremiah 42:17
- That is the fate awaiting every one of you who insists on going to live in Egypt. Yes, you will die from war, famine, and disease. None of you will escape from the disaster I will bring upon you there.'
Ezekiel 6:11
- "This is what the Sovereign LORD says: Clap your hands in horror, and stamp your feet. Cry out, `Alas!' because of all the evil that the people of Israel have done. Now they are going to die from war and famine and disease.
Hosea 9:6
- Even if you escape destruction from Assyria, you will be conquered by Egypt. Memphis will bury you. Briers will take over your treasures of silver; brambles will fill your homes.
Jeremiah 43:11
- And when he comes, he will destroy the land of Egypt. He will bring death to those destined for death; he will bring captivity to those destined for captivity; he will bring the sword against those destined for the sword.
Ezekiel 5:3
- Keep just a bit of the hair and tie it up in your robe.
- Then take a few of these hairs out and throw them into the fire, burning them up. A fire will then spread from this remnant and destroy all of Israel.