Jeremiah 32:31 Cross References
Jeremiah 32:31
31: "From the time this city was built until now, it has done nothing but anger me, so I am determined to get rid of it.
2 Kings 23:27
- For the LORD had said, "I will destroy Judah just as I have destroyed Israel. I will banish the people from my presence and reject my chosen city of Jerusalem and the Temple where my name was to be honored."
2 Kings 24:3
- These disasters happened to Judah according to the LORD's command. He had decided to remove Judah from his presence because of the many sins of Manasseh.
- He had filled Jerusalem with innocent blood, and the LORD would not forgive this.
Jeremiah 5:9
- Should I not punish them for this?" asks the LORD. "Should I not avenge myself against a nation such as this?
- "Go down the rows of the vineyards and destroy them, but leave a scattered few alive. Strip the branches from the vine, for they do not belong to the LORD.
- The people of Israel and Judah are full of treachery against me," says the LORD.
1 Kings 11:7
- On the Mount of Olives, east of Jerusalem, he even built a shrine for Chemosh, the detestable god of Moab, and another for Molech, the detestable god of the Ammonites.
- Solomon built such shrines for all his foreign wives to use for burning incense and sacrificing to their gods.
Matthew 23:37
- "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones God's messengers! How often I have wanted to gather your children together as a hen protects her chicks beneath her wings, but you wouldn't let me.
2 Kings 21:4
- He even built pagan altars in the Temple of the LORD, the place where the LORD had said his name should be honored.
- He built these altars for all the forces of heaven in both courtyards of the LORD's Temple.
- Manasseh even sacrificed his own son in the fire. He practiced sorcery and divination, and he consulted with mediums and psychics. He did much that was evil in the LORD's sight, arousing his anger.
- Manasseh even took an Asherah pole he had made and set it up in the Temple, the very place where the LORD had told David and his son Solomon: "My name will be honored here forever in this Temple and in Jerusalem--the city I have chosen from among all the other tribes of Israel.
2 Kings 21:16
- Manasseh also murdered many innocent people until Jerusalem was filled from one end to the other with innocent blood. This was in addition to the sin that he caused the people of Judah to commit, leading them to do evil in the LORD's sight.
Jeremiah 6:6
- This is what the LORD Almighty says: "Cut down the trees for battering rams. Build ramps against the walls of Jerusalem. This is the city to be punished, for she is wicked through and through.
- She spouts evil like a fountain! Her streets echo with the sounds of violence and destruction. Her sickness and sores are ever before me.
Jeremiah 27:10
- They are all liars, and I will drive you from your land and send you far away to die.
Luke 13:33
- Yes, today, tomorrow, and the next day I must proceed on my way. For it wouldn't do for a prophet of God to be killed except in Jerusalem!
- "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones God's messengers! How often I have wanted to gather your children together as a hen protects her chicks beneath her wings, but you wouldn't let me.
2 Kings 23:15
- The king also tore down the altar at Bethel, the pagan shrine that Jeroboam son of Nebat had made when he led Israel into sin. Josiah crushed the stones to dust and burned the Asherah pole.
Ezekiel 22:2
- "Son of man, are you ready to judge Jerusalem? Are you ready to judge this city of murderers? Denounce her terrible deeds in public,
- and give her this message from the Sovereign LORD: O city of murderers, doomed and damned--city of idols, filthy and foul--
- you are guilty of both murder and idolatry. Your day of destruction has come! You have reached the end of your years. I will make you an object of mockery throughout the world.
- O infamous city, filled with confusion, you will be mocked by people both far and near.
- "Every leader in Israel who lives within your walls is bent on murder.
Jeremiah 23:14
- But now I see that the prophets of Jerusalem are even worse! They commit adultery, and they love dishonesty. They encourage those who are doing evil instead of turning them away from their sins. These prophets are as wicked as the people of Sodom and Gomorrah once were."
- Therefore, this is what the LORD Almighty says concerning the prophets: "I will feed them with bitterness and give them poison to drink. For it is because of Jerusalem's prophets that wickedness fills this land.
2 Kings 22:16
- `This is what the LORD says: I will destroy this city and its people, just as I stated in the scroll you read.
- For my people have abandoned me and worshiped pagan gods, and I am very angry with them for everything they have done. My anger is burning against this place, and it will not be quenched.'
Lamentations 1:8
- Jerusalem has sinned greatly, so she has been tossed away like a filthy rag. All who once honored her now despise her, for they have seen her stripped naked and humiliated. All she can do is groan and hide her face.