Jeremiah 3:21 Cross References
Jeremiah 3:21
21: Voices are heard high on the windswept mountains, the weeping and pleading of Israel's people. For they have forgotten the LORD their God and wandered far from his ways.
Isaiah 15:2
- Your people in Dibon will mourn at their temples and shrines, weeping for the fate of Nebo and Medeba. They will shave their heads in sorrow and cut off their beards.
Jeremiah 31:9
- Tears of joy will stream down their faces, and I will lead them home with great care. They will walk beside quiet streams and not stumble. For I am Israel's father, and Ephraim is my oldest child.
Isaiah 17:10
- Why? Because you have turned from the God who can save you--the Rock who can hide you. You may plant the finest imported grapevines,
2 Corinthians 7:10
- For God can use sorrow in our lives to help us turn away from sin and seek salvation. We will never regret that kind of sorrow. But sorrow without repentance is the kind that results in death.
Jeremiah 2:32
- Does a young woman forget her jewelry? Does a bride hide her wedding dress? No! Yet for years on end my people have forgotten me.
Jeremiah 3:2
- "Look all around you. Is there anywhere in the entire land where you have not been defiled by your adulteries? You sit like a prostitute beside the road waiting for a client. You sit alone like a nomad in the desert. You have polluted the land with your prostitution and wickedness.
Hosea 8:14
- "Israel has built great palaces, and Judah has fortified its cities. But they have both forgotten their Maker. Therefore, I will send down fire on their palaces and burn their fortresses."
Job 33:27
- He will declare to his friends, `I sinned, but it was not worth it.
Numbers 22:32
- "Why did you beat your donkey those three times?" the angel of the LORD demanded. "I have come to block your way because you are stubbornly resisting me.
Proverbs 19:3
- People ruin their lives by their own foolishness and then are angry at the LORD.
Ezekiel 7:16
- The few who survive and escape to the mountains will moan like doves, weeping for their sins.
Micah 3:9
- Listen to me, you leaders of Israel! You hate justice and twist all that is right.
Ezekiel 23:35
- And because you have forgotten me and turned your back on me, says the Sovereign LORD, you must bear the consequences of all your lewdness and prostitution."
Jeremiah 31:18
- I have heard Israel saying, `You disciplined me severely, but I deserved it. I was like a calf that needed to be trained for the yoke and plow. Turn me again to you and restore me, for you alone are the LORD my God.
- I turned away from God, but then I was sorry. I kicked myself for my stupidity! I was thoroughly ashamed of all I did in my younger days.'
- "Is not Israel still my son, my darling child?" asks the LORD. "I had to punish him, but I still love him. I long for him and surely will have mercy on him.
Zechariah 12:10
- "Then I will pour out a spirit of grace and prayer on the family of David and on all the people of Jerusalem. They will look on me whom they have pierced and mourn for him as for an only son. They will grieve bitterly for him as for a firstborn son who has died.
- The sorrow and mourning in Jerusalem on that day will be like the grievous mourning of Hadad-rimmon in the valley of Megiddo.
- "All Israel will weep in profound sorrow, each family by itself, with the husbands and wives in separate groups. The family of David will mourn, along with the family of Nathan,
- the family of Levi, and the family of Shimei.
- Each of the surviving families from Judah will mourn separately, husbands and wives apart.
Jeremiah 30:15
- Why do you protest your punishment--this wound that has no cure? I have had to punish you because your sins are many and your guilt is great.
- "But in that coming day, all who destroy you will be destroyed, and all your enemies will be sent into exile. Those who plunder you will be plundered, and those who attack you will be attacked.
- I will give you back your health and heal your wounds, says the LORD. "Now you are called an outcast--`Jerusalem for whom nobody cares.'
Hosea 13:6
- But when you had eaten and were satisfied, then you became proud and forgot me.
Proverbs 10:9
- People with integrity have firm footing, but those who follow crooked paths will slip and fall.
Jeremiah 50:4
- "Then the people of Israel and Judah will join together," says the LORD, "weeping and seeking the LORD their God.
- They will ask the way to Jerusalem and will start back home again. They will bind themselves to the LORD with an eternal covenant that will never again be broken.