Jeremiah 23:39 Cross References
Jeremiah 23:39
39: I will forget you completely. I will expel you from my presence, along with this city that I gave to you and your ancestors.
Jeremiah 23:33
- "Suppose one of the people or one of the prophets or priests asks you, `What prophecy has the LORD burdened you with now?' You must reply, `You are the burden! The LORD says he will abandon you!'
Ezekiel 8:18
- Therefore, I will deal with them in fury. I will neither pity nor spare them. And though they scream for mercy, I will not listen."
Ezekiel 34:11
- "For this is what the Sovereign LORD says: I myself will search and find my sheep.
2 Thessalonians 1:9
- They will be punished with everlasting destruction, forever separated from the Lord and from his glorious power
Matthew 25:41
- "Then the King will turn to those on the left and say, 'Away with you, you cursed ones, into the eternal fire prepared for the Devil and his demons!
Jeremiah 36:31
- I will punish him and his family and his officials because of their sins. I will pour out on them and on all the people of Judah and Jerusalem all the disasters I have promised, for they would not listen to my warnings.'"
Isaiah 48:15
- I have said it: I am calling Cyrus! I will send him on this errand and will help him succeed.
Jeremiah 32:28
- I will hand this city over to the Babylonians and to Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, and he will capture it.
- The Babylonians outside the walls will come in and set fire to the city. They will burn down all these houses, where the people caused my fury to rise by offering incense to Baal on the rooftops and by pouring out drink offerings to other gods.
- Israel and Judah have done nothing but wrong since their earliest days. They have infuriated me with all their evil deeds," says the LORD.
- "From the time this city was built until now, it has done nothing but anger me, so I am determined to get rid of it.
- "The sins of Israel and Judah--the sins of the people of Jerusalem, the kings, the officials, the priests, and the prophets--stir up my anger.
Proverbs 13:13
- People who despise advice will find themselves in trouble; those who respect it will succeed.
Jeremiah 52:3
- So the LORD, in his anger, finally banished the people of Jerusalem and Judah from his presence and sent them into exile. Then Zedekiah rebelled against the king of Babylon.
Ezekiel 9:6
- Kill them all--old and young, girls and women and little children. But do not touch anyone with the mark. Begin your task right here at the Temple." So they began by killing the seventy leaders.
Isaiah 51:12
- "I, even I, am the one who comforts you. So why are you afraid of mere humans, who wither like the grass and disappear?
Ezekiel 6:3
- Give the mountains of Israel this message from the Sovereign LORD. This is what the Sovereign LORD says to the mountains and hills and to the ravines and valleys: I am about to bring war upon you, and I will destroy your pagan shrines.
Ezekiel 34:20
- "Therefore, this is what the Sovereign LORD says: I will surely judge between the fat sheep and the scrawny sheep.
Leviticus 26:28
- then I will give full vent to my hostility. I will punish you seven times over for your sins.
Deuteronomy 32:39
- Look now; I myself am he! There is no god other than me! I am the one who kills and gives life; I am the one who wounds and heals; no one delivers from my power!
Lamentations 5:20
- Why do you continue to forget us? Why have you forsaken us for so long?
Psalms 51:11
- Do not banish me from your presence, and don't take your Holy Spirit from me.
Hosea 9:12
- Even if your children do survive to grow up, I will take them from you. It will be a terrible day when I turn away and leave you alone.
- I have watched Israel become as beautiful and pleasant as Tyre. But now Israel will bring out her children to be slaughtered."
- O LORD, what should I request for your people? I will ask for wombs that don't give birth and breasts that give no milk.
- The LORD says, "All their wickedness began at Gilgal; there I began to hate them. I will drive them from my land because of their evil actions. I will love them no more because all their leaders are rebels.
- The people of Israel are stricken. Their roots are dried up; they will bear no more fruit. And if they give birth, I will slaughter their beloved children."
Jeremiah 7:15
- And I will send you into exile, just as I did your relatives, the people of Israel. '
Genesis 6:17
- "Look! I am about to cover the earth with a flood that will destroy every living thing. Everything on earth will die!
Hosea 4:6
- My people are being destroyed because they don't know me. It is all your fault, you priests, for you yourselves refuse to know me. Now I refuse to recognize you as my priests. Since you have forgotten the laws of your God, I will forget to bless your children.
Jeremiah 35:17
- "Therefore, the LORD God Almighty, the God of Israel, says: Because you refuse to listen or answer when I call, I will send upon Judah and Jerusalem all the disasters I have threatened."
Ezekiel 5:8
- I myself, the Sovereign LORD, am now your enemy. I will punish you publicly while all the nations watch.
Hosea 5:14
- I will tear at Israel and Judah as a lion rips apart its prey. I will carry them off, and there will be no one left to rescue them.